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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Maybe but I bet people said similar about an average right winger being our main cm (Rob Lee). Guthire is pretty much a raw talent he can be moulded to some extent to play in several roles. He's young and has an eye for a good pass He could develop into a great box to box player for us if they can get the best out of him sounds very interesting indeed. Keegan never said that he should play like a holding midfielder. Just that it one thing that he can developing. also don´t think we should be so sure that he will be a reserve. will be interesting too so. But I think he will play quite a lot this coming season.
  2. You've quoted all three videos Dave. The 442 implication is mainly down to Keegan saying that the thing that caught his eye with Gutierrez was his supply line from the wing for Guiza last season. Said Shola and Smith up front (no lie) will love him. Is Spidey playing for the reserves next season then? He said Owen and Viduka too, but I thought I'd ought to emphasise Keegan's implication that everybody's two favourite players will be here next season. They were never going to leave. Maybe Ameobi will if a good bid comes in, otherwise, not. Also probably just said all our strikers would like him. But of course I hope we sing at least one good striker. The two that have been mention are not good enough. But there was no surprise they would be here. Just some foolish supporter dream.
  3. also basically said that we will be playing 4-4-2.
  4. ATB

    Tim Krul

    by listening at KK I don´t think he will be sold.
  5. so which is it NE5? I'm not a fence sitter myself, but it appears you're swinging your views back and forth as it suits. Please clarify if you've got the time. Thanks just read his posts and it seems to me he's spot on - the ambition he refers to is to complete deals isn't? he says something is wrong, ambition or whatever woodgate, modric, aimar have all been moved for and turned us down to some degree so he's right, something is missing - whether ambition is the right word is neither here nor there my opinion, however, is that a bid for aimar shouldn't be considered ambitious - we've just lost him to benfica if reports are correct, wasn't so long ago they were picking up our cast offs for nothing... Or perhaps we were never interested in Aimar, Woodgate had already agreed to go to Spurs before Keegan came calling, and Modric was made to go to Spurs because the Mamic brothers could get a bigger slice of the cake. so does that still make NE5 wrong then? and if we were interested in Aimar James? just if, and he rejected us for benfica what does it say to you anything, nothing? how long do we keep losing out on players before it becomes a pattern of failure and rejection? this is ashleys 3rd transfer window by the way i know one thing, if FS was still chairman he'd be getting torn apart by the people on here for signing a liverpool cast off and a "free" winger from mallorca why? FS didn´t get torn apart for the players we brought in (it was the managers choice, hopfully as we have heard otherwise). it was their method to bring them in. so its Keegans fault then ? yes. if he buy players that are shit
  6. thats my point, the media should be writing about them. instead they turn to us. fantastic Everton have a good team in the first place. not good enough for not buying anyone and still compete in the top of the league and other cups. but this wasn´t the point. I think you know what I mean
  7. thats my point, the media should be writing about them. instead they turn to us. fantastic
  8. the media can fuck off. all the negative fans can support Spurs. We are going to win the league next season. We got Keegan. We got Martins. We don´t need Aimar.
  9. Completely agree, and the board certainly deserve criticism if they're not implementing this and using his personality in the negotiation processes. what do we know? Nothing, which is why everyone has an opinion. but still everyone act like they know. hate reading all this rumors. 31 august can´t come fast enough. Well, it's fuel for everyone to, well, fuel their confirmation biases, isn't it? Where there's an info vacuum, those who want to stick the boot into the board will see the lack of solid info one way, and that negative; those that don't, will put a postive spin on things. Those in the middle will be confused, and no-one likes being confused so they'll probably seem a bit negative as well. Schroedinger's Club, NUFC is. One for all you physicists out there. The truth is it's probably a bit of all these things, and the proof will only be obvious once we open the box (and August 31st comes around, like you say). can absolutely agree with you. will always be like this and in every situation you are always able too decide if you are going to be negative or positive in a situation.
  10. And we are supposed to believe anything of this after all that have happened this summer?
  11. Completely agree, and the board certainly deserve criticism if they're not implementing this and using his personality in the negotiation processes. what do we know? We don't, and I'll remain positive until someone of note (ie not Alan f***ing Nixon) actually comes out and says we didn't offer Aimar enough money, Keegan wasn't involved, the club is a load of s***, lacking ambition etc etc. Some choose not to. Which we all know won´t happen. not now anyway. maybe in 5-10 years when Keegan release a biography or something.
  12. Completely agree, and the board certainly deserve criticism if they're not implementing this and using his personality in the negotiation processes. what do we know? Nothing, which is why everyone has an opinion. but still everyone act like they know. hate reading all this rumors. 31 august can´t come fast enough.
  13. Completely agree, and the board certainly deserve criticism if they're not implementing this and using his personality in the negotiation processes. what do we know?
  14. Well at Thursday he was in Sweden, Gothenburg, and was signing autographs, talking to fans etc under Gothia Cup. A big youth tournament he also has participated in.
  15. getting about £25-30m in one year
  16. so which is it NE5? I'm not a fence sitter myself, but it appears you're swinging your views back and forth as it suits. Please clarify if you've got the time. Thanks just read his posts and it seems to me he's spot on - the ambition he refers to is to complete deals isn't? he says something is wrong, ambition or whatever woodgate, modric, aimar have all been moved for and turned us down to some degree so he's right, something is missing - whether ambition is the right word is neither here nor there my opinion, however, is that a bid for aimar shouldn't be considered ambitious - we've just lost him to benfica if reports are correct, wasn't so long ago they were picking up our cast offs for nothing... EDIT: also meant to say in that last part about his career appearing to be on the decline as well, but forgot The club has been on the decline since the appointment of Souness. What I mean by that is our league finishes have been largely s*** since SBR's last season in charge. Ashley, Keegan and co have come into this club well aware of the need to REBUILD its stature. No wonder players turn us down when they have witnessed the last 3 or 4 years of total shambles. not disagreeing, but we've been this bad before and still managed to get the players we wanted - as ATB says by offering money basically it still makes NE5 right, somethings missing, call it money if you want so you mean FS´s charm lured the players to us and that Ashley hasn´t got the charm thing going that can give us the players we want?
  17. no... Oh so you'd be quite happy finishing the bottom half each year? hmm. who was the owner before? Were did we finished in the league? What kind of money did he throw at players and transfers? Did it worked? What are this board trying too do? How long time compared with the board before have they got. Why do you believe we are less attractive now than five years ago? What do you want a new (arab)board to do? Think you're missing the point. If this new policy by the club see's us no better off would you want a change to come sooner rather than later? Ok not throwing money at players is a positive step but it can also be a negative one when you finished 12th and have no european football to lure better players that could move you up the league. Sometimes you need to speculate to accumulate! If we are left with most of the crap from last season with only an unknown argentinian and a liverpool reject as our top transfer targets then i'm sorry but I want answers. You didn´t get my point. Give it time. I can´t answear you before they have had a few seasons. Still. Has the money throwing helped the past few years when we have been without europe?
  18. so which is it NE5? I'm not a fence sitter myself, but it appears you're swinging your views back and forth as it suits. Please clarify if you've got the time. Thanks just read his posts and it seems to me he's spot on - the ambition he refers to is to complete deals isn't? he says something is wrong, ambition or whatever woodgate, modric, aimar have all been moved for and turned us down to some degree so he's right, something is missing - whether ambition is the right word is neither here nor there my opinion, however, is that a bid for aimar shouldn't be considered ambitious - we've just lost him to benfica if reports are correct, wasn't so long ago they were picking up our cast offs for nothing... Or perhaps we were never interested in Aimar, Woodgate had already agreed to go to Spurs before Keegan came calling, and Modric was made to go to Spurs because the Mamic brothers could get a bigger slice of the cake. so does that still make NE5 wrong then? and if we were interested in Aimar James? just if, and he rejected us for benfica what does it say to you anything, nothing? how long do we keep losing out on players before it becomes a pattern of failure and rejection? this is ashleys 3rd transfer window by the way i know one thing, if FS was still chairman he'd be getting torn apart by the people on here for signing a liverpool cast off and a "free" winger from mallorca why? FS didn´t get torn apart for the players we brought in (it was the managers choice, hopfully as we have heard otherwise). it was their method to bring them in.
  19. Phil Brown after talking to Djimi Traore; "I spoke to the player, and I was interested, but he made reference to wanting to stay in France," said Brown. "He said he would, of course, come to England if we were available as a second choice, but I don't want that kind of attitude. I want Hull City to be a player's first choice – and I didn't get that vibe from him."
  20. Well the reason they not coming is because we don´t have the fat fred at the club that just give every player we wanted the kind of money they wanted. Luque said himself that it was the money that made him come in the first place. do we want too have it like this? PLayers that sit by their money and don´t care a shit about the club.
  21. This show how much you can trust a newspaper
  22. no... Oh so you'd be quite happy finishing the bottom half each year? hmm. who was the owner before? Were did we finished in the league? What kind of money did he throw at players and transfers? Did it worked? What are this board trying too do? How long time compared with the board before have they got. Why do you believe we are less attractive now than five years ago? What do you want a new (arab)board to do?
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