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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Ahh. Geremi. Where is he? Apart from Colos absent this is a great team!
  2. Shut up lad, Faye isn't even fit. that would be the best scenario...=) still. who is Oba replacing?
  3. Same team as against PSV. But no Colo...=( Smith=( OBA=D But who is he replacing? Interesting team though, even if I am a little bit confused about Cacapa. Dont like the idea that Faye wont be in the team the coming season
  4. yes. think we are looking good. no reason to be too conscious for the coming season. still plenty of players missing, signings(?) and more training with ball etc.
  5. I think so. But that itś just me.
  6. How much do you think he's worth? think his price is bang on - consider woodgate (8m to spurs right?) woodgate is probably the better defender by far but his price lower due to him being a cripple...9m for a 26 year old regular argentinian CB, good value to me not that i'm believing the papers mind :wink: no
  7. wasn´t it always the case that he was going to play his first game against PSV.
  8. Do you? do you believe this, or is it the rantings of a maniac with the knives out ........ http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/news/columnists/neil-farrington/2008/07/20/toon-can-t-sign-top-stars-on-the-cheap-79310-21370957/ What says you can believe it? You believe it because that would prove you right. We don´t believe it because of the opposite option (and also because you can´t believe what the papers are writing. especially Sunday Sun mackems.gif)
  9. Seems too be a good game, espacially from Duff. Honest. I haven´t count Duff out yet. He may not be a starter. But I still think he can do a good job for us.
  10. Shola should make it four when he does everything right to work an opening for a shot after a clever dummy inside the area, Lee-Barrett is grounded and the striker has the whole goal to aim at but gets his feet in a tangle and miscues at the crucial moment - the miss prompts chants of "If Shola scores we're on the pitch" from the Toon Army behind the goal. Same old Shola ...
  11. Danny Guthrie spots the forward run of DAMIEN DUFF Good Good. Heard that he also did 3-1
  12. ATB


    hmm. didn´t he just for a few days ago pulled out of negotiation Trust Keegan. If he wants Ferdinand, I also want him
  13. scary thing is that I agree wounder who is driving him... Jamie were did you get the picture. Was it you who took it? Most also add that he wasn´t bad at all at English like someone was saying. much better than Martins
  14. This attitude is really starting to annoy me. Some fans seem to be supporting the manager more than the club these days. Keegan isn't a miracle worker, especially when he's only got s*** players to turn into world beaters. I say one word and you question my attitude. Who the f*** are you to judge. Keegan spreads optimism. He makes the team play better football than fatty sam. At least well enjoy it more. If I was as prejudgemental as you, I would say you need some prozak. But since I don't know s*** about you, except you s*** comment, I'm going to wait with my judgment. Bloody hell mate, calm down. Who needs the prozak? I meant the attitude which plenty of fans are sharing that Keegan is the reason to be happy, despite everything else at the club being s***. I just happened to quote you as you were the first to post it in this thread.
  15. Hull have been really impressive in the summer. for example. what the hell are Stoke doing? Hull needs more player to stay up. but I think they will have a chance. Stoke is going to be the new Derby and WBA will get problems too.
  16. Don´t care about this. The papers are just shit. The Agents are just shit. You can´t believe non of them, just the club you support.
  17. This attitude is really starting to annoy me. Some fans seem to be supporting the manager more than the club these days. Keegan isn't a miracle worker, especially when he's only got s*** players to turn into world beaters. I totally disagree with this. why aren´t anyone alowed to have high hopes for a manager? Look at Sir Alex, look at Mourinho and look at Wenger (for example) and see all the hipe around them. For me. A coach is a hugh part of a team. I can easily say that about 50% of a clubs performance is due to the manager and his staff. I also don´t see the different in hoping Martins, Zog , Milner etc will improve and make us to a top team when you can´t say that a manager, who definitive has a bigger impact in a team than a singel player, will be the key person. To sum this up. I totally disegree with the quote above.
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