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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Saviola on loan?

    don´t know about that. but once he did say that he was a depor player and was focusing at the new season with them. most of the time the players don´t give away anything before the deal is done. he can still be a NUFC player 1 sep.
  2. ATB

    Saviola on loan?

    no he didn´t. just said that he was a madrid player and was focused at another season with them. Can´t blame him since nobody has come in for him.
  3. ATB

    Saviola on loan?

    Maybe I can´t read. But did he say anywhere that he turned us down? or that we even have made a move? Just said that he wanted to stay at Madrid. he may not want to come here. But I get so irritated at the media that always use misleading headlines that often differ from the text.
  4. Funny. Didn´t they said two weeks ago that he was a NUFC player
  5. :colo: How the fuck can someone on here write that kind of reable text you got me, that's for sure though. it would´t surprise me if they would public that kind of text...
  6. That was the most stupidest thing I ever read in my entire life! How is he able to public this? This is not an objective article. This is just crap. Can´t even fined word to explain how crap this is. It has clearly gone to far now.
  7. Think people is to hard on Taylor. He has played well at the pre-season and I think he will be quite good. Also remember that Colo will be a quite good partner too that will help Taylor nicely
  8. Was looking forward too this match since I really though we had a chance for a draw. But that was WITH players like Martins, Jonas, Colo, Owen etc. Without them we don´t even has to play=( or can Keegan surprise us all?
  9. This is weird... Depor last week announced that he was a Newcastle player last Wednesday so what is the problem? He and his agent has loud of times said that he wants to come so the personal contract should´t be a problem? Or? Anyway. I´m getting sick of the club now. Everyone knows that Ashley wore that shirt and that he was here. Then why can´t they say what is going on? Ashley would never wear that shirt if it wasn´t a done deal. or would he?
  10. we don't know. We're not there. SSN are continuing the respect the ref debate. Winter vs. Cundy. ok. though ssn was broadcasting
  11. Agree. For me he is our nest best defender after Coloccini
  12. Come on. Stop moaning at Milner. He has been brilliant at the end of the pre-season and even if he would´t be a regular starter it would be absolutely stupid to sell him, even if we would buy a replacement. As most of you probably has said before. We all ready have a paper thin squad. secondly I think Milner will come good under KK. Especially if he will play in a similar role in the PL as he has have under the pre-season. good to have Keegan as manager and non of you. Keegan will never sell him. £6m is just a sad price. I would´t consider selling him for under £15m. I don´t value him that high. I just don´t see any reason too sell him for less.
  13. Have seen alot of Depor games and last season Colo played many games as an dm. And I can say that he isn´t that bad at it. probably better than Butt. Still I think we need he´s qualities at the back. for me. the text seems to deep and quite sense to be completely bollocks.
  14. 4-4-2. Martins and Duff up front, Milner on the right and Guttierez on the left. Butt and Guthrie in the middle. --------------Martins--Duff Guttierez---Butt---Guthrie---Milner N'Zogbia--Taylor--Cacapa---Beye -----------------Given I would´t agree with that formation.
  15. I trust Keegan to the end of the Universe, he makes decisions and I stand by what he says because he's the manager and I trust he knows what he's doing. But if he keeps Alan Smith, he's making a big mistake. The guy has proven that he's a waste of a player. I would´t read too much in to that. Keegan isen´t blind. Of course he knows that he isn´t good enough. He´s just not the manager that gives the press any negative comments about his players.
  16. they had a crazy manager. had koeman been in charge for the whole season they would've been relegated with matches to spare. they're also several hundred million €uros in debt which is why people suggested raiding the club for their players. With this team they are way better than the last seasons position. As said they did´t had the best coach. They are definitely going to compete for the Champions League spot this year.
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