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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Think Colo may play as dm tomorrow. Guthire at the wing. Not ideal. But we don´t have the numbers right now.
  2. whoop dee f***ing doo, the club have marginally improved (1st team playing staff wise) upon some of our darkest seasons since joining the PL you don't take much pleasing you I like to look a the Villa model. They didnt spend too much initially and just bought small amounts of quality over time. That's what I want us to do. That´s what we are doing right now, but as usually it does not please our fans. Nothing does.
  3. Still a good player. But for me, too old.
  4. Aftonbladet (a newspaper in sweden) is saying that it is Tottenham and Everton that are after him.
  5. Not really what anyone wants to hear the day after the "big meeting" with the directors. If this is the case and no-one is lined up to join us then it is even more important that Milner doesn't leave the club. Old news. Beside. I hate to speculate what´s going on when no-one knows. We don´t know if Ashley isn´t giving Keegan money. If it is Keegan that can´t find or get players. Why then press the doomsday button? Wish I could take a break from reading Newcastle forums for a time
  6. exactly my point. edit: sorry about that :colo:
  7. Why on earth should we renew a contract that was signed a year ago and still has three years left on it? He hasn´t become a bit better since the last year and if he thinks he´s contract is so bad then he can either give it to me, or why did he sign it back then? This is what makes me so sick of football. Why can´t we get a salary cap? No player is allowed to earn more than £x/week. Nowadays no one seems to care about their clubs or even their football career. All they care about is to earn more and more money. But the scary part is that how "little" they even earn they still doesn´t need to work again - ever. Still they want more money. If the reason for Milners depart is money, then let him go. It is just sad that everything a player care about is money. They don´t even think for there own good. How money times hasen´t we seen this kind of thing? When players follow the money and most of the time everything just end in tears? Poor poor Milner. Of course this is not good if Keegan wants to keep him. But what should we do? Give all the players the kind of money they want? Beside, the idea to renew a contract every year is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Keep on going Ashley! (Should still be a quite good idea to buy a few more players)
  8. It is just unbelievable how that s*** club can get so many players This is getting to depressing. Really hope something can happen soon. We wont last long with this paper thin squad. We are already in some trouble.
  9. Would settle with Young and Agbonlahor me think :colo:
  10. One question. Why must we always sell our player and replace him with someone else when we already have a too small squad? It will not be bigger if we sell players all the time and Milner is not that bad either. No. Keep him and by someone else too.
  12. Seems to be no end product. Milner...Zog...Butt...Duff... Not good enough
  13. Think this is the case too. But personally I would feel better if he didn´t said anything. You shouldn´t lie you know
  14. Unbelievably. How can someone want to go to Man City. that is just amazing. The same goes with Hughes. How could he sign for them? The club is going to crash sooner rather than later. can´t give a toss about Kompany anyway.
  15. :colo: of course Seem him many times and honestly he have never had a bad game. Less injury prone, probably less wage and probably a better defender. Colo can´t just defend. He can also attack. And I´m sure you will see that in not a too far future.
  16. ATB

    How the press works

    http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/sport/football/article-1047600/HATCHET-MAN-Toon-owner-Mike-Ashley-offers-Newcastle-fans-free-pain-relief--pint.html?ITO=1490 :colo:
  17. Weird. Is this on hold due to a "permanent" injury or is it, as it sounds to me, due to an injury he has now and Ipswich don´t want to buy him because they don´t want to wait two weeks Ameobi just have to go. He can´t even be a access for the reserve team.
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