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Everything posted by ATB

  1. I'd rather they said nothing than put out this. If they don't see how it's going to antagonise already angry fans then they're incredibly ill-advised. Whether you blame Keegan or not, you cannot deny this. I didn't deny it, I agreed with it, it was definitely a mistake, but like I said, nothing they can say or do will change a lot of people's minds. A lot of fans have already decided what went on and who's at fault, despite not knowing anything about what actually happened, that was obvious from the moment people were kicking off outside the ground before even knowing whether he had gone or not. I've said it before and I'll say it again, reality is irrelevant to most people on here and elsewhere, they think they know what's what and they're not going to even contemplate for a second whether they're right or not, whatever happens. It's f***ing madness, mass-hysteria on a huge level, and people are seriously suggesting that the club's future should be given over to these people!?! I'm sorry, but I quite like actually having a club to support, it'd be gone within a year if that ever happened. great posts indi. Agree in everything you says.
  2. Agree. This what a piss statement that we surely could be without. But as much you are throwing shit at them. Why could´t they do it? Keegan is not a fucking perfect man. I have some question mark at the board too. But like you are behaving I rather stand at there side than this embarrassing Keegan side. Beckham for Toon
  3. Well I support the club no matter what. To be honest. You all make me feel sick. Just giving me a reason to start supporting Manure or something. Clearly it was a mistake to hire Keegan (don´t know what they were thinking) just because the reason that if he should leave the club before the contract expelled this was the situation that always was going to happened. Hope Ashley hire McClaren or some shit and sell the club to some fucker just to piss of the fans.
  4. "18.23 According to Radio Marca in Spain, Manchester City have now made a bid for Real Madrid striker Robinho, who has asked to be allowed to join Chelsea. Who will City bid for next?" mackems.gif
  5. "Louis Saha has completed his move from Man Utd to Everton after passing his medical. The striker has signed a two-year deal". Ameobi didn´t
  6. yeah. fernandes was just awesome yesterday. 26 years old too. maybe, if he is any good, we will have a fair chance to sign him next year. they already have a lot of choose from.
  7. pitty it´s just a loan deal then. still better than nowt I guess.
  8. can´t someone just go and check this then
  9. What? never mind :colo: As always Milner was just that beautiful average only he can be. when he came on villa did´t have any creativity what's so ever at the right flank. every danger move villa did came at the left side of the pitch by Ashley Young, why Milner came on. After 10 minutes villa still couldn´t create anything at the right side so Milner and Young changed. then, just 5 minutes after the change, the left side got totally anonymous as the right side was before Milner and Young changed, and the right side started to be there weapon. how come? Milner is shit and Young is quality. still some supporters seems to think exactly what I wrote about Milner above.
  10. Can´t believe we sold Milner He totally chanced the game when he come in. Great crosses and great technique. He is definitely the coming star for England in the WC 10.
  11. Can´t remember that he said that when he played for us? One question. If he is that good. Why is he not playing today?
  12. Hard to get angry. With Given and Harper, even Forster, in front of him he never looked to be the number one for years. Gutted when I´m quite sure he will be a top keeper. But it was probably for the best. Glad Chelsea signed him though.
  13. hmm. Ameobi is the only player that hasn´t play before. otherwise this is basically the team from Manure and Bolton...
  15. No chance. Who are we going to play then? KK has even said that he can play there if we get injuries etc. If Geremi is out we just have the junior´s left.
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