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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Good point, well made. I was earlier merely responding to the suggestions that depression can't be hidden and - contrary to the opinion of the experts unfortunate enough to have attended the scene - that murder was a plausible scenario in this case. Incidentally, it's worth mentioning that don't have to have been "suffering from depression" to be depressed. By that, I mean a one-off, often unforeseen event can plunge someone into a sudden and - at times - devastating state of depression. But, yes, we just don't know.
  2. Why do you "not believe" that depression can be hidden? I can tell you from personal experience that it can.
  3. Apologies. Smart phone quote thread meltdown.
  4. what's your problem? Absolute no need to censor or the personal attacks. I'm not in anyway demeaning his death, if anything I'm saying that he deserves more. Buzz off! MY problem? My problem is people who clearly know f*** all about a horrendous illness like depression speaking from a position of such ignorance that you come out with a statement like "Try laughing when you're sad". Depression can take myriad forms. Not for nothing is it known as a hidden disease. The sense of shock at Speed's death is typical of that of the friends and family of most suicide victims. The question they all ask is "why?" Why? Because many suicide victims - not least those who seemingly have so much to live for - tend to do such a good job of disguising the symptoms. Some of us have been there -or close to it. Spare us your cod psychology and conspiracy theories. How upsetting would it be for a family member of Speed to be reading tributes on this, the biggest NUFC forum, and cone across your suggestion that he is involved in something or with someone so shady that they killed him?
  5. Alpal78: keep your delusional ramblings confined to the addled recesses of your feeble mind. Can mods not delete his last post? Beyond absurd.
  6. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    There are a lot of people on this forum who would rather forget the contemptible abuse they launched at Taylor last season. The lad was literally called a c**t repeatedly on a Newcastle forum. Shameful. Delighted for the lad. Dozy as f*** but gives everything for the club.
  7. Odds on the idiot evening things up with a Man U pen in the next half-hour???
  8. A reissue of the 95-96 away shirt would be a winner. My fave of all-time.
  9. Pards looking and sounding as smooth as ever despite being in the bar at the Radisson until 3am this morning. Player...
  10. Defeat here should be a blessing in disguise. Lack of squad depth exposed should = investment (on more than just a striker) in January. Should...
  11. Anyone else think Dalglish's car-crash management has much to do with Carroll's woes? (lumped long balls from Carragher & co rather than early balls in from wide areas).
  12. having had to suffer his pirourettes and last ditch Alan Smith style tackles while he played for us i can't believe anyone could possibly think he's anything else but a crock of s***. Can players not develop or improve? He's cut out the pirouette thing. Darron McDonough was a crock of s***. Billy Askew was a crock of s***. Amdy Faye was a crock of s***. I'd have thought a man of your years would know a thing or two about perspective.
  13. magorific


    Helluva double save. Doesn't reflect well on Bruce that he preferred Minge-let for so long.
  14. No worries. Cabaye, Tiote, Coloccini, and Ba are not English. Scott Parker is. (That said, nobody really went in for Scott Parker until after West Ham were already relegated.) That's because Scott parker is a crock of s***. No he's not.
  15. Guthrie's recent contribution and Saylor's performances this season should be a lesson to some of the moronic haters on here, many of whom have described both players literally as c***s in the recent past.
  16. You're not even watching it, man. If this sorta thing ain't proof about daft agendas against players, then i dunno what is. Guthrie's not a bad player and, if you're making judgements based on the radio, Guthrie has been one of our better players. This. It's pathetic.
  17. Spot on. If Dalglish isn't getting the best out of him, it's down to Dalglish being a c***. Carroll is more than just a threat in the air - ask Sunderland. But when all you do is get Carragher to lump the ball up to him with his back to goal, he's got no chance. They need to get early balls in from wide areas which catch centre-backs on the turn, but Dogleash seemingly can't see it. Ironic - and damning - that he sold Ferdinand all those years ago, then spent so much on a player who thrives on the exact same type of service.
  18. magorific


    Was thinking the same. It's funny the boot is now on the other foot, but we've worn it.
  19. Boxing Day 86 at Hillsborough, I assume. A near miss for us - as was Spurs away in the FA Cup in 87.
  20. magorific

    Joey Barton

    No, it's just kids that he stubs cigars into the eye of or beats to a pulp... Took the words right out of my mouth. The man's a hypocrite. Calls himself a man of the people, then waves his wage packet in the face of people who dare criticise him.
  21. Would like to see Pards start with Marveaux vs Wigan, even if Jonas's form means Marveaux would play on the right. Obertan looks an impact sub at best to me.
  22. Bet the c*** could get into a locked Ford Focus within a minute though. To be fair you just have to look at a Ford and it's doors spring open. Surely the fact that Fords are so s*** is the ultimate theft deterent? Why would anyone want to be seen dead driving one? Very reliable, high spec, good value...
  23. magorific


    Monkey Heed is out of work...
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