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Everything posted by magorific

  1. It's not Onyewu that was being talked about apparently. It's Goran Gavrancic. Serbian international, plays for Kiev. But Roeder's decided he doesn't want him bow anyway. So a well-connected mate tells me.
  2. Good post, tbh. Just about sums it up, but they'll never admit to any responsibility for anything. It's always down to someone else. F**k me boys, like we're angels? I was in the Gallowgate when that Charlton player (name escapes me) got bottled and coined as he was stretchered off with a broken leg. I was at away games aplenty when the Zigga Zigga Zigga Shoot That Nigga chant was sung (and by thousands, not one or two). But I've also been at away games when I look back now and realise how f**kin close our lot have come to a Hillsborough (once at Hillsborough itself, once at Spurs, once at Forest) because of the combination of fences/pissed up fans pushing from the back/sheer weight of numbers/totally ambivalent policing. F**k me, which away following of any size in the 80s wasn't full of pissheads? So, if you accept all I've said there, answer this question: do you think we would just "leave it alone" if 95 of our lot had been crushed in 89 - alcohol or no alcohol involved? And do you think we'd just sit by while the bloke who accused us of pissing on our own dead - and repeated the accusation 17 years later - then gets a prime slot on the BBC?
  3. I agree with this idea. The difference between Hall and Shepherd is that Hall is an astute businessman whereas Shepherd is a used Car Saleman type businessman. A man with no clue but a few pennies. I also agree with the view that Hall isn't offering anything exceptional and others could do a better job. The only thing that does worry me though is that maybe Newcastle isn't as attractive as I first thought to a potential investor. Man Utd is the biggest sports asset in the world thereabouts, West Ham didn't have too muych outstanding debts, but even Villa, who weren't in a good finaincial situation with Deadly Doug being tight have been bought. I would have thought we stood in a better position than Villa but my view is that Freddy and his off hand stubburnness to stay in control will put off investors. Deadly Doug hung around for 15 years or so from when problems started and Freddy is much younger. I don't see a short term solution to this. Hall WAS an astute businessman. Last time I heard, Cameron Hall was massively in the red (made pre-tax losses of £74 MILLION in 2000). Why do you think he's so desperate to sell up at NUFC?
  4. He does. As does Dyer. Neither of them have any f***ing clue about playing in position. That, for me, is why Emre and Parker never look good together (another lesser reason being Emre's obvious deficiencies). Parker wanders around, and Emre isn't disciplined enough to cover it. When Emre plays with Butt, a player who knows how to play in a position, Emre looks a lot better. PARKER WANDERS AROUND??? Was anyone here at the Spurs game? Or the MANU game for that matter. Actually, I wish I knew just how many times Ronaldo lost the ball, failed to beat his man, missed a pass, shot miles wide etc etc the other night. I guess none of that begins to compare with the sariousness of Parker passing back to Shay from kick-off.... I suggest you start thinking of more than one or two games and a couple of incidents. Think Big Picture. What, like last season where Parker was our best outfield player by a country mile? OMG. Graft and sweat. That's all he was last season too. Not much point in me posting about Parker anymore. Some of us can see the reality and others can't. I expect a load of u-turns when he eventually leaves, as we saw when Jenas left. Cheers Okay Mr Patronising. It's what happens when head bangs against wall. :winking: Why don't you discuss the attributes of this player. Comments like he was "our best outfield player by a country mile last season" remind me of the Jenas argument. People said Jenas was 'ace' because he won the Young Player of The Year Award. Well "so what" was my answer then, and "so what" is my answer now about Parker. He unbalances the team. We play better without him, we are more creative without him and the team has a better shape without him, so we defend better too. In what way was he our "best outfield player by a country mile?" People are now acknowledging his partnership with Emre is a poor one, it was a poor partnership last season too. XVentura has probably hit it on the head about last season. We were under the cost and outplayed in loads of games, so of course a player who runs around diving into challenges is going to look like they're doing something under those circumstances. Bucket loads of sweat and effort is always appreciated, is it not? Well, effort and desire are needed but there is no substitute for outright quality when there is also some application. It takes two to f*ck up a partnership. So what's your appraisal of Emre? Does his overall contribution - or, often, lack of it - not deserve to be analysed every bit as much as Parker's? In most away games - and pretty much every game against top-class Premiership opposition, Emre is a passenger. As for his temperament, it's only a matter of time before he gets sent off.
  5. can find no mention of the Faty story on channel4's website.
  6. What he said. Anyone who claims to have predicted Dalglish would be a disaster is lying.
  7. Looked real disruptive scoring and assisting on a goal today. It couldn't get more disruptive, tbh. Quite. Indeed. And yes, Jon Bobson, I was there today. Were you? I just ask because the number of times Huntington was left with the prospect of two on one due to Emre's indisciplined wandering (only the "prospect" because Spurs made generally poor use of the ball) was unacceptable. And no, I'm not saying Emre has been crap all season. But he didn't pull up many trees until the last six weeks or so. And has Parker been crap all season (your intimation Mick, unless I am mistaken)? No. It just amuses me that people will excuse the likes of Emre just about anything but dismiss Parker as complete shite when he merely does "ok". I have seen complete shite in a Newcastle shirt week in week out over the last 35 years. FFS, even KK brigade on here must remember Darron McDonough. Des Hamilton or Garry Brady ring any bells?
  8. Doesn't stop people slagging Parker FFS
  9. crap today. Discuss. Just fancied a break from the OTT anti-Parker threads tbh
  10. Roeder saying in tonight's Chron that he fancies Derby's Giles Barnes and Southampton's Gareth Bale.
  11. how many games have we won with butt and emre together compared to emre and parker .draw your own conclusions . Against shite opposition. Boils my piss that people completely dismiss Parker but ignore the FACT that Emre ALWAYS sinks without trace against the top teams.
  12. Unlikely in the case of any big UK mainland-based company. UK Companies House info is an open book - you can investigate any company to the nth degree. Pretty much all documents are there for public viewing. Jersey (and I would assume Gibraltar) is very different. You can access very few documents of any private limited company there. Wonder why it's such a popular place?
  13. magorific

    Chris Riggott?

    I don't think Upson is better and he is injury prone, City look like they are going to gamble on Distin. The smoggies I know all really rate Riggott. He had a cracking season last year.
  14. John Anderson Peter Jackson (despite his now ridiculous haircut)
  15. On tonights performance i'd drop Milner. gave away possession a lot and never really beat his man or got a cross in all night. Same old Milner, then? Do you not watch UEFA Cup games?
  16. Jesus, give it a rest. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh? Truth hurts, don't it. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh?
  17. Jesus, give it a rest. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh?
  18. I think it was poor performance and we were extremely lucky to got that one point. We had 9 men defence and they still created +10 good changes. Luckily their finishing was shitty, but in the end of the day, we were as bad as usually. Exceptions: Given 10 - Absolutely brilliant Dyer 9 -Impressive goal. Was our one man army when we had a ball. Martins 7 -His best performance so far. Couple of good runs, and win that ball which led to our goal Parker 4 -Rubbish. Tried here, there and everywhere like always, but that is not enough if you didnt done anything right Answer me honestly: were you at the game?
  19. magorific

    Scott Parker

    Aye, scoring goals from midfield aint a big deal when we've not got a striker capable of hitting a cow's arse with a banjo. Fuck's sake...
  20. magorific

    Scott Parker

    no way will man utd be so dumb to fork out 16 million for scott parker. 10 million tops and even thats pushing it. They paid £18m or whatever it was for Carrick and £30m for Veron! The state of the transfer market was very different when they paid £30m for Veron, plus Veron looked a top class player in a strong league so it's a bit different. Let's hope we can rip someone off for Parker, just like we ripped off Spurs over Jenas and Real Madrid over the crocked Woodgate. Well done, Fred. Assuming you would "prioritise" by buying striker(s) and defenders with the Parker cash, who would your centre midfield be once we've sold him? Nicky f***in Butt? Emre? Charles "head down" N'Zogbia?
  21. Hes was defo born and bread in byker matey, his family owned the shepards scrap yard and still do i believe. he was a Byker lad. and his family still own the scrapyard Born in Gilsland, brought up in Byker. His mam was evacuated to Gilsland (there's what used to be called a sanitorium up there) to give birth during the war. Reason I know is because my mam was born at Gilsland after my granny was evacuated from Wallsend. Of christ, me mam and FFS may have been born in the same bed . . .
  22. magorific

    Booing parker

    Parker was shit today - agreed. Parker has been ineffective in recent games - agreed. But there is "no point" to Parker? He does nothing? Get a grip. How many goals has Emre scored this season? What has Nicky Butt EVER done for us other than do okagainst Palermo's reserve midfield? Despite being shit today, Parker forced their keeper into a save. What other fucker in our team did that? If he has had a pop at fans in the East Stand, there's an argument for taking the captaincy off him. But is anyone seriously stupid enough to pick out Parker as the biggest reason for our troubles? What about Craig Moore, who could have got himself sent off twice? Bramble, Carr, Babayaro? All utter, unmitigated shite? What about Damien fuckin Duff? Jesus wept.
  23. I've got nothing to say about their defence other than that's about the only place Palermo had first-choice players tonight. My point is that Butt played most of the game against NONE of Palermo's first-choice midfield. That's a Palermo first choice midfield who have created and scored a lot of goals this season in Serie A. No, youre right, it's a shit argument ...
  24. Kneejerk tbh It was Palermo's reserves, for feck's sake. Umm no... they dropped three of their first teamers, bringing two of them on with half an hour to go. And it was hardly our first team either was it, we left seven of them at home. Umm no, six of the team that twatted West Ham didn't start - one of the five that did was the keeper, three of the other four were in the back four. Corini and Bresciano are comfortably Palermo's best midfielders. Butt didn't face either of em.
  25. Kneejerk tbh It was Palermo's reserves, for feck's sake.
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