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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Chiles' interviewing skills as good as ever.
  2. I expect a chorus of boos at the final whistle .
  3. Aye, we give him a 4 year contract which a fair few didn't expect us to give him, within a year he's wanting to leave. We convince him to stay until May, he gets injured and goes home anyway. Absolutely ludicrous isn't it. I just hope he's replaced. MYM has probably shown enough to say he can be our main defender but like f*** do we want to be relying on Saylor and Williamson AGAIN. It could actually work out well, he might be able to use his time to sort his family problems out while he's injured, we'll see. Perhaps too much wishful thinking there but fuck it, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. Agree with this, but not sure he is effective enough coming off the bench to change a game Thought he gave us a bit of energy when he came on against Chelsea at St. James'.
  5. With regards to Marveaux, I still think he's a talented player and one I would have no qualms in starting. Thing is though, think it is definitely the case that he got injured at the wrong time. He basically lost the momentum he had when he was on that brilliant run form. In his case, think he's one of those players who needs to play week in, week out if we really want to see the best of him. Looking like a bench role for him in the near future.
  6. Think yous are better off without me actually, my reflexes haven't been up to scratch recently, out of practice!
  7. So another professional Europa League performance then? (Missed the game).
  8. I'm officially ruling myself out. Apologies to all and apologies that I've let yous all doon. Next time though, next time.
  9. Lucky yous. I'm doing a very long shift tomorrow.
  10. Sifu


    Spam goes well with instant noodles like. I'll leave now.
  11. I found this rather amusing: Mike "The Whirlwind" Williamson, Rob "Dilsh" Elliot, Steve "100 years old" Harper
  12. If you don't have a bit of a mancrush on Cabaye, then there's something wrong with you tbh
  13. Looks like this is another European game I'm missing. Ah the wonders of working late...
  14. Sifu


    Supporting Barton all the way on his (albeit random) fight against Bieber Go on Joey...
  15. Now I really want this to happen having read that tweet saying that "he was too good for the bench".
  16. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    What you mean by that? I say, SIFU seems to appreciate why the Premier League (and by association it's football clubs), which is admired and watched around the world , might want to maximise it's advertising revenue by allowing foreign languages to appear in adverts. He must be a person of intellectual disposition. Someone please restrain him before he spreads this cultural awareness, and burn him at the stake. Globally though the language with the most football (Premiership) watchers is English. Taking Japanese for an example, how many people who speak Japanese who watch the Premiership is there compared to how many who can speak English and watch the Premiership? Also take note that many people who's native language maybe say Japanese, or Chinese and watch the Premiership will also likely be able to speak English as a 2nd language. In all honesty I'd say advertisers are cutting off their noses to spite their faces with it. Having their advertising in English would undoubtedly hit a larger target market than limiting to one language that is spoken primarily in one or a few countries compared to a language that is spoken worldwide. Not very likely. Chinese people's English (written and spoken) is atrocious, the only way you'll draw their attention to the PL is Chinese writing. The Far East is a very lucrative market so I can understand why they would have some form of advertising aimed at them.
  17. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    The PL is globally watched like...
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Whilst Pardew has really disappointed me this season, his seasons with us go as follows: one average half season; one brilliant season and one crap season (as it stands). So in essence, he's brought us the best and worst already - two ends of the spectrum if you will. Next season is make or break for him really - next season will truly define who Alan Pardew really is as a manager. Like Dave says though, we'll see.
  19. I smell blood. The Arsenal fans are going to give Wenger so much grief.
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