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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Are you particularly worried about what? Him leaving.
  2. If he does go, good riddance I say. Absolute poison to the PL.
  3. Like I said a few weeks ago to something similar, see nowt wrong with Colo doing that. Is it a bit out of the ordinary for the club captain to do during a time of recovery? Yes. Am I particularly worried? No.
  4. Nope, this is though...... http://i71.servimg.com/u/f71/16/55/20/10/nufc_i10.jpg 62 injuries this season. f*** that like. Farcical.
  5. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    And I thought Woy would do a good job
  6. Collective anger/disappointment about McManaman getting let off in the office today. The majority is on our side Good to read that Haidara might yet play again this season. Let's hope so and the next time we see him in the shirt, we should be giving him a massive reception.
  7. Was hoping this wasn't that serious of an injury... Ah this season...http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Jerry-Seinfeld-No-Thanks-and-Leave.gif
  8. Hope Froggy isn't one of them...
  9. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Happy for Saylor But can't help but put this piece of news on the back burner. Best of luck anyway.
  10. My workmate (a Liverpool fan) told me today that he had a framed shirt signed by Michael Owen which was worth £450. When Owen left Liverpool, that frame was smashed to bits and is now sitting in his wardrobe rotting away. He hates him to fucking bits too. That's the sad thing about Michael Owen, he literally is unloved by the fans at the clubs he's been at. He really won't be missed at all.
  11. A day full of good news. Argh.
  12. Well this is a f***ing disgrace from all involved at the FA. Words can't describe how everyone involved at NUFC must be feeling right now. Disgusting behaviour, they're pretty much condoning what McManaman did and that sets a dangerous precedent. Seriously it's things like this you think f*** football. f*** Wigan and f*** their insignificant club. Would love to see them get relegated and go out of business.
  13. Has that cunt McManaman even apologised yet?
  14. You're doubtless correct and I'm sure Whelan and Ashley are as big c***s as each other, but it says a lot about Whelan that he'll trivialise and defend a brutal, career threatening attack on a talented youngster new to the country just to score points that don't make any f***ing difference to anyone. He's lost my respect completely. Whelan never had my respect. I've never been that arsed about him either way. You see, he's one of those who I have an irrational hatred for. What he said today completely solidifies my opinion of him.
  15. You're doubtless correct and I'm sure Whelan and Ashley are as big c***s as each other, but it says a lot about Whelan that he'll trivialise and defend a brutal, career threatening attack on a talented youngster new to the country just to score points that don't make any f***ing difference to anyone. He's lost my respect completely. Whelan never had my respect.
  16. Did you ignore him? Brief eye contact but basically yes Also, I can confirm the rumours are true. Sifu's smile could win the heart of any man or woman. That's actually helped to calm me down, haha. Much appreciated
  17. That fucking linesman completely saw that. Absolutely disgraceful that he didn't flag for that. Cunt.
  18. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    He looked as gutted as we were at the final whistle (the last player to applaud the fans). Crazy f***er or not, he's become quite a lovable character.
  19. All the best Haidara. Hope it's nowt too serious but that probably will be the last we'll see him this season. Speedy recovery. Baffling that no action was taken for that horror tackle. Halsey can apologise all he fucking wants but that the bottom line is he fucked up big time in taking no action - hope he stews in guilt tonight.
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