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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Just seen his goal. Very Cabaye-esque Still have high hopes for the lad being a success here...
  2. Very pleased for the lad He should extend his loan spell there until the end of the season tbh (despite our current injury problems).
  3. That strip was horrendous at the time and it still is.
  4. Sifu


    If they weren't in serious s*** before (which most mackems might say), they are in deep, deep s*** now. Losing Fletcher is really a killer blow (unless Graham goes on a brilliant run of form...)
  5. Well this is brilliant (and unexpected) news. Amazing stuff Beastly and miraculous really.
  6. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    He would just run after the bus if he did that Like T-1000 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBeTvgSUlLI One of my favourite scenes.
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    It's going to be a frustrating 5-10 years ahead, unless some talent pops up from nowhere. not holding out on much hope tbh.
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    This generation of players are just going to continue to disappoint.
  9. No, Everton fan. I did check with my other workmate (NUFC fan) what he thought of Owen and the reply was "well, he's an all round douche".
  10. My workmate is adamant that Owen did nowt wrong at Newcastle. Crazy stuff.
  11. They would be a better sponsor to have than Wonga, granted (only just though).
  12. NRAM have no money to spare, they're too busy paying back the UK taxpayer. Plus they're the "bad bank"...
  13. Sifu


    Someone must have been bored in the office to have written that article about Moyes.
  14. It's also a fucking insult that his transfer fee is the most we've paid for any player in our history.
  15. Speaking of idiots amongst our support, some fucker a few rows in front of me threw a coin onto the pitch. Thankfully no-one got hit.
  16. It'll be one of Perch or Jonas at LB imo. Simpson is an almost certain starter.
  17. :lol: This stat needs to be tweeted to him. This thread needs to be tweeted to him tbh.
  18. And people ask me why I HATE Michael Owen.
  19. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    He's never go to leave, thought everyone knew that by now...
  20. It'll most likely be Colo coming in for Yanga-Mbiwa. Experience and the fact Colo's our captain being the main reasons.
  21. Excellent news to come home to
  22. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Missed the game but all I can say about the result is meh.
  23. I'm rather gutted by this news like but we all knew it was going to come eventually. I've always liked Harper, he really has been a magnificent servant for us these past two decades. Sure, he could/should have moved onto pastures new a lot earlier in his career but I won't hold that against him too much - he has shown some great loyalty. And certainly for me whenever he has featured for us, he has always done a solid enough job and was very much a reliable keeper for us (yes, even at times this season although it is fair to say that he's not the keeper he used to be a couple of years ago but that does happen with age). Hope he comes back in some coaching capacity, he is very much a likeable bloke. Going to be weird seeing a Newcastle squad without Harper being in it next season. You'll be missed Harps, best of luck.
  24. Personally think it's extremely wishful thinking to suggest he won't definitely be leaving in the summer... Probably but things can change in the space of a few months. Looks cheerful enough in that video, maybe things are getting better for him? I'm still at the question mark stage tbh. Looks cheerful because he is at the club he wants to be at. No way that is a good thing in terms of his staying here The change of scenery could be a factor there...
  25. Personally think it's extremely wishful thinking to suggest he won't definitely be leaving in the summer... Probably but things can change in the space of a few months. Looks cheerful enough in that video, maybe things are getting better for him? I'm still at the question mark stage tbh.
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