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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    My mate is refusing to believe that we've agreed a fee for Remy. He's convinced Dortmund and Chelsea will come in at the last minute...
  2. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Will be a massive boost if we can get this sorted out before the Reading game (duh). If we do sign him, can see Pardew starting him on the bench à la Cissé last season and then bringing him on to score the winner. Management. Damn this optimism, we haven't signed him yet but I'm giddy as fuck.
  3. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Getting a little excited now...
  4. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    *Must not get too excited until we get proper confirmation about this*
  5. Clearly Well, probably not clearly but the signs do not look good, it has to be said. Btw, your avatar's stop moving for me...
  6. That photo is clearly of an individual who looks like he's saying goodbye
  7. What is this MOTD you speak of? just something some of us used to watch. Simpler times. Quite sad that it's come to this really.
  8. My mate kept texting me the following today: "Bring on Ranger, bring on Ranger."
  9. Decent enough debut from him. He'll get better in time, no doubt about that in my mind.
  10. Seemed to me that he was like the Jonas of old today (well the first half anyway).
  11. All I'll say about this game is that we didn't lose and kept a clean sheet. Just about content. Bye.
  12. I changed my pre-match routine for today. Whether or not you think that's a good thing, I'll leave that up to you all to determine.
  13. Any new updates to this or is it still what's been said in that Independent article?
  14. Do you know what? f*** this, I'm going to bed.
  15. Oh for fuck's sake. This fucking season man.
  16. would take him back in a heartbeat. Was talking about him with my mate today...oh he has fallen quite some way. Hardly starts for Villa now if I've got my facts correct...
  17. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Like a new signing (in before the kill).
  18. It's really looking like the case that because Saylor's on the mend, it'll mean that we "don't need additional cover" and as such we're blatantly going to go through another transfer window without signing a new CB. Pisses me off.
  19. A potential Swansea-Bradford final. That's the last thing I would have expected like I can cope with Swansea potentially in the Europa League but Bradford? Haha.
  20. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    On an entirely different note, I'm sure Barton's put a good word in for us...well probably not about Ashley/Llambias but still think Barton has a soft spot for us.
  21. You need a big bench coat and not to travel to away games?
  22. With it not being until March, got plenty of time to sort myself out really. Need to work on my Harper impersonation
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