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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. It's quotes like these which makes me dislike him a lot. He's definitely one of the cheerleaders for the club in its current incarnation.
  2. Because walking away completely (ie. cutting everything Newcastle United related out of your life) is actually quite a difficult thing to do, especially when it's an interest that's been at the forefront of people's childhoods, teenage years and adult lives. The club we see now is not the one people fell in love with and a positive result under this regime/management means the soullessness continues. Deep down, everyone knows that we won't win any Cups, the reason? The current owner and his head football coach who is his biggest enabler (who's also a terrible football manager/coach). The cycle the club is currently in keeps going on and on, season by season - no matter how good results are over the course of a season, it just always ends in utter disappointment and with that the hope just goes. Bruce is the right manager/head coach for Ashley because he'll keep getting enough "results" to keep the club going as it currently is - they're a match made in heaven and they're as bad as each other in keeping the club the way it is at the moment.
  3. Fantastic that, thanks Yorkie!
  4. Bruce is literally risking ASM's long term well being just so that he can beat Rafa's points record. How pathetic.
  5. Why would that annoy you? It's a pretty fucking minor thing. I hate both of them and I'm going to leave it at that.
  6. Do you know what's been annoying with the build up to this game? Seeing both Bruce and Shelvey's mugs on my Twitter timeline - two cunts completely complicit in this current regime under the main cunt, Mike Ashley.
  7. He's become my most disliked player in this squad. His constant Bruce arselicking man. Would not be sad at all if/when Shelvey leaves/gets moved on.
  8. Thanks for the quiz ? Well enjoyable.
  9. Sifu

    Daryl Murphy

    Dyer was very much underappreciated I'd say and that's down to his overall attitude during his latter years with us (same rationale applies to Bellamy as well IMO).
  10. I'd be up for that. Is the Sunday quiz not happening now?
  11. I've not done well at all at this
  12. I may get involved on this.
  13. Steve Bruce can f*** right off. He's a f***ing c***, always has been and always will be. He has f*** all shame, just a f***ing charlatan but unfortunately the "fans" who lap up on all his lies are simply thick as f***. Don't fucking care if this post faces a backlash, it's just the way I feel so fuck off if you disagree.
  14. He's a lost cause, leave him be.
  15. Feel sorry for you, having a West Brom fan as a mate. Really wish he was a West Brom fan on this occasion.
  16. Having a conversation with my mate and he's happy that Bruce took off both ASM and Almiron. Dear me.
  17. Sheffield United were shocking tonight. I am not a fan of them and I still think they are overrated/useless. If we draw them in the quarter finals then we will beat them. This is from someone who thinks the Toon are rubbish by the way. Disagree with you on that. Sheffield United have become a solid enough team with a good foundation; Wilder's had years to drill in the style of play we're seeing today and it has been, more often than not, effective. They're not a perfect team by any means but their general play is a lot better than ours. (I've seen quite a bit of Sheffield United over the years fwiw).
  18. Steve Bruce is the absolute worst. He pretends that "he's a Geordie" but he's far from it, he's in the job and that's all what fucking matters to him. He's a fake Geordie by the definition, he doesn't fucking cares. Fuck this cunt.
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