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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I really do want to give him a chance as I do believe he has something in him to become a competent striker but we simply can't accommodate him anymore - his poor finishing has cost us this calendar year. Should definitely leave him on the bench and start Murphy if Gayle's out injured.
  2. Sifu

    Players in public

    Time to put this thread somewhat back on topic, just saw Mourinho at Marks and Spencers in Manchester.
  3. Sifu

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year all!
  4. Sifu

    Players in public

    Just walked past a very agitated Gary Neville outside my work in Manchester.
  5. Making my way to Barnsley from Manchester now. Needless to say, quite looking forward to this game!
  6. I've been a red and a blue. Was a blue for the last Cup.
  7. Sifu


    This is fantastic :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Fuck off Allardyce, you cunt
  8. Aye, I'd be more than happy to go in net again
  9. Sifu

    Matz Sels

    Interesting piece on .com Did that actually happen? I presume it was the one in the first half when the ball went straight through Sels' hands, rather than catching the simple cross. The whole defence look terrified when crosses come into the box, because nobody has any ounce of expectation that Sels will deal with it. Can't remember that happening in particular but I can remember seeing Lascelles having a go at Sels after a Villa attack in the first half. It didn't look as if Sels took the criticism well - doesn't strike me as a confident individual when under pressure.
  10. I am provisionally in. Will confirm in the next week or so. EDIT: As ever, I'll play in net.
  11. Me! Nice one. Heading down with a friend myself but not hanging around after game so will try and catch you pre-match. I'll drop you a text Saturday
  12. The atmosphere was a bit subdued overall and that was likely down to us being crap in the first half and playing at such a slow pace. Loads of support for Rafa, aye. There were a few boos for Wijnaldum here and there but there were also songs from some of our lot about wanting him to stay. There was also a "Moussa Sissoko, we want you to go" song... It was a game of 2 halves really, once we added some movement in the team through bringing on Gayle and Perez, we improved significantly. All in all, quite a bit of work needs to be done.
  13. That's it, I'm done with England. Fucking Allardyce man! (Watch him win the World Cup now...).
  14. And my Sheffield United mate has just text me, Che Adams is actually in the SUFC squad
  15. It appears Che Adams is not in Sheffield United's squad tonight...could that be a sign that the rumours about him coming to us is actually credible?
  16. Goal of the tournament? Shaqiri, no contest.
  17. Sorry, that's a bit nonsensical. I like Giroud as a player, I think he's good. But he doesn't stand a chance tonight. I was referring to the penalty decision there!
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