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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Many pints will be needed to endure the game then...
  2. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    He did, back when Williamson looked rather good and PL ready (well better than his performances of today, so it is mystifying how low he's gotten).
  3. Set piece coach Oh and that Gateshead link, that would actually be epic.
  4. Tell me one player that came out with any credit from the 04/05 season? Laurent Robert, for his unique way of saying goodbye
  5. Pre-2004, Kluivert was one of the best strikers in the world, no doubt about that. His spell here was rather forgettable mind and that has somewhat soured my opinion of the man (that and GHoeberX).
  6. Try and stop me (Though I did the same thing when we played Man U in October, had the biggest face that day).
  7. Whatever happens, I will be wearing my NUFC strip with the utmost pride on Saturday (in and around Manchester City Centre too).
  8. Depends on if money is tight. If so, get Kebab. It is the logical choice after a few bevvies actually...
  9. My work Christmas do is the night before this. Should be fun watching this game hungover.
  10. What do you reckon lads, Dominos or a kebab? Comfort food should make me feel better...
  11. If Pardew goes with Marveaux and Ben Arfa from the beginning...oh my.
  12. Looks like Mancini's doing his best to undo the "good" work he did last season.
  13. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    A phrase that idiot Andy Townsend says every single fucking time an incident like that happens
  14. I've not paid attention to this at all. So yeah, I'm officially giving up.
  15. That was real, very weird atmosphere in a weird stadium. They had 4,000 or so mad fans behind one goal who are up there with the best support I've ever saw, just bounced and sung the whole game. Then the rest of the crowd were silent, we were at the other end in a corner making the other main noise. Great trip in a beautiful city which was made massively difficult with delays due to snow. Will post a bit more about the trip when I get some time, just got back an hour or so ago. Was there a guy with a megaphone/microphone in the front? Tis the Bordeaux Ultras if so. I though I heard someone on a microphone. They were fantastic. Good to hear that they're as brilliant as ever
  16. That was real, very weird atmosphere in a weird stadium. They had 4,000 or so mad fans behind one goal who are up there with the best support I've ever saw, just bounced and sung the whole game. Then the rest of the crowd were silent, we were at the other end in a corner making the other main noise. Great trip in a beautiful city which was made massively difficult with delays due to snow. Will post a bit more about the trip when I get some time, just got back an hour or so ago. Was there a guy with a megaphone/microphone in the front? Tis the Bordeaux Ultras if so.
  17. Only just seen this. What a terrible idea. This better be a one off like (mind you, wouldn't put it past UEFA to insist on another one after 2020).
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