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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. They do get given from time to time. City were on the end of a few poor refereeing decisions tbf but then again it's City so fuck them.
  2. http://www.subsidesports.com/uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/300x300/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/large/UEFA-RespectPatch.gif
  3. City are going to nick this like [/reversepsychology]
  4. The City fans love him though.
  5. Just got in and turned the game on. I'm not at all surprised that City are losing.
  6. My workmate said today that Adkins is basically just Pardew. I was puzzled.
  7. But deep down you'd be ashamed of having such a c*** playing for the team you love. Wouldn't be able to take his constant cheating - such an association could almost tarnish the club's reputation on the field. Horrible man.
  8. Sifu


    Wireside and his tweets man He is pretty much a perfect example of the mackem mentality - the inferiority complex. Seems to me there's nowt much going on in his life apart from having a go at NUFC every two seconds. FTM.
  9. Oh what a surprise, Colin Murray is in love with Suarez's goal.
  10. Not like the media to go on a witchhunt against our players. Oh wait...
  11. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Hope some footage of him going berzerk with our lot when we scored pops up somewhere haha.
  12. It is his best role imo. I'm content with him being played there tbh, I saw enough of him in that role last season that suggests that he can do a decent job there. Admittedly he's off form atm but one thing you cannot fault is his work ethic.
  13. Thought the lad looked bright enough when he came. Caused a bit of trouble for the Scousers. A canny option of the bench like. His (somewhat) unpredictability could help us to turn some games.
  14. Like I said at full time, I'm quite content with this result, especially given the circumstances we were left in. Again, we started very slowly and let Liverpool attack us from the off which was disconcerting but having said that, thought we coped and handled the early pressure well. Once we got into it, we certainly gave them a few problems to think about. In relation to our goal, it was good build up play imo which was capped off with a good finish from Cabaye - positive stuff. The possession game Liverpool played in the first half counted for nothing as they couldn't really finish any of their moves off - reminded me of the Swansea game at the Liberty last season. The second half was so-so like, we were a bit too deep for my liking and that allowed the Scousers to get back into it - it certainly invited them to come at us. It was almost inevitable that they were going to score really. Our urgency did come back when it was 1-1 imo and I honestly think that we did have enough about ourselves to nick it (that is, if we had 11 men on the field). To my mind, Colo's red card basically meant we had to preserve the point in whatever way we could - a change in mentality if you will. All in all, it's a good point at what is a traditionally notorious ground for us so like I've said, I'm content and satisfied with that. Would have certainly taken a point before the game.
  15. His best game in CM for us. Hopefully his performance today will give him the confidence he needs to properly settle into the role. A platform to build on.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Certainly makes this thread unreadable at times. There is a massive difference between a rationalised argument and just plain OTT criticism.
  17. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The Liverpool players certainly trebled up on him today. Didn't really have the space to work his magic. Still though, great play for our goal - made Enrique look like a fool there
  18. It was a definite red card for me. It was disappointing to see him lunge in like that, sure there was hardly any contact and there was no intent but you can't be doing things like that, it forces the referee's hand more often than not.
  19. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Nice to see some form of rationalised debating in here. Oh wait...
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