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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Finally, a goal for Parky!
  2. There was me thinking he was going to skin 5 players and dink it over the keeper. He nearly did it yesterday night tbf.
  3. Williamson is going to score his first NUFC goal on Saturday from...you guessed it a set piece
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Not much to read there though.
  5. Fucking hell, the man's a cretin. He's really starting to show how out of his depth he really is. Boohoo Brendan, boohoo.
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Woah, 8 years?! Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with us tying him down on a long term contract but 8 years is a bit crazy like! Still though, may the next 8 years be prosperous and enjoyable
  7. Another bright performance from the lad. Really want to see more of him in the first team but I guess the question is where would he fit in? LB is already taken by Santon (who I do want to see there in the long term if I'm being honest) so I guess left wing is the place up for grabs. Jonas was brilliant on the wing in the past but nowadays, he's simply not effective there so a toss up between Marveaux and Fergie is on the cards then...
  8. One weird thing about him tonight was that he cut inside quite a lot instead of getting at the fullback. Thought his set pieces were decent (purely because they beat the first man ) Still think we've got a good player on our hands mind. There's no way I'm writing him off.
  9. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Well I got it half right.
  10. Sifu

    Dan Gosling

    I'll give him one thing, he certainly tries his best but unfortunately his best wasn't good enough tonight.
  11. Another frustrating performance from him once again. He just wouldn't run at his man, Tavernier/Perch were more threatening offensively than him. And on the occasions when he did run at his man, he just dawdled with the ball. His footballing mental capacity is virtually non-existent.
  12. My MOTM tonight, looked solid defensively and contributed a lot offensively too. Very promising, he's not too far off a start in the PL imo. I reckon he'll be challenging for a first team place come the start of next season. Hope we see more of him this season (with the Europa League in mind, I think we will ). Keep it up Tav
  13. Just got back from the game. Got to say, I was quite proud of that performance. We certainly didn't deserve to lose that, we were definitely the better team in the second half and more than held on our own in the first half. Man U rode their luck at times imo. Was very impressed with Tavernier when he played at both RB and LB; Ferguson looked bright when he came on and Cissé was pretty much looking like his old self (if he had scored that overhead/bicycle kick, oh man we would have screamed the roof down). The players shouldn't be too disheartened by the loss, they gave it their all but ultimately we lacked that bite upfront tonight. Btw, there wasn't a streaker tonight, just a fully clothed pitch invader, - that's him banned for life now.
  14. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    He's going to start and score on Wednesday. Mark my words, it will happen.
  15. Pards has a picture of Cabaye Who doesn't?
  16. Only just caught up with this thread, Rodgers doesn't seriously have that canvas in his house does he?
  17. I posted 2 angry tweets myself, that's how pissed off I am
  18. Well the cunt does deserve all the abuse he gets.
  19. Nice one Freddie, the most interesting thing you've said all night
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