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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Football Stupid question but will there be any sort of coverage for this game (bar the Lee Ryder webchat thingy).
  2. I don't mind Simpson. Like I've said many times before, he's an unspectacular RB who is capable of doing a decent job. Unfortunately, he's limited in an attacking sense but he is just about alright defensively. He would be decent enough backup imo and I would keep him on. In any case, if he goes, he goes.
  3. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Apart from Alan Thompson, really cannot remember the last time a SPL-based player was picked for the England squad...
  4. Canny Hope he gets a runout at some point next season, from what I've heard, he does like to get forward (an attribute which Simpson lacked at times last season).
  5. Another thing btw, he's still only 22 which is a relatively young age. In that respect, he is still learning...
  6. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Forster could end up being one of those players who don't fulfill their full potential. Sure, he'll be able to test himself, against the top strikers, in the CL but then again, he's going to playing relatively weak opposition, week in, week out. That's not that great like. Any potential England prospects could have very well gone now (as harsh as it sounds).
  7. Sifu


    He's back? Serious question though, should we give Xisco one final chance? I mean, he hasn't really been given a proper opportunity to prove himself...
  8. I say good news. Whether or not it'll be implemented correctly/efficiently is another matter.
  9. Okay, so things (mainly justified) were said about him last season (even from myself) but one thing's for sure, I'm not going to write him off just yet. Call me crazy but I reckon he does have a future here.
  10. 59 pages then. Ah well it was fun while it lasted. Just have to move on really. If our offer was indeed a "take-it or leave-it" one then we've done all we can. Hope we have a contingency plan otherwise our striking options will look very bare, if anything were to happen to Ba/Cissé then we would be screwed like - we really can't be having Shola starting games for us next season (his best role these days is coming off the bench).
  11. Exactly. Sort his brain out and he's a monster. We have no choice, it's time to implant an idea through Inception. Where's Di Caprio when you need him? Seriously though, looks like Obertan has confidence issues - he needs a mentor of some sort to help get the best out of him. As it stands, he's an impact player, no more, no less.
  12. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    About Van Persie, he's a right c*** like - there is a professional way of doing things and that's the way he should have conducted himself with regards to this latest news. Think it would be best for Arsenal to get rid and cash in on him as soon as possible. With Giroud and Podolski coming in, their attacking options are hardly lacking like. Van Persie's finally shown his true colours btw.
  13. Good (if true). Bad IMO, we shouldn't be denying any player the chance to compete in the Olympics. Unless he doesn't want to personally. Hmmm, a valid point Hopefully things will be fine though, it could very well be the case that your final sentence is true...
  14. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Looks like Roy has already worked his magic (It's a bloody joke btw, Brazil 11th )
  15. Oh, a thread title change (Confident we'll still get him like...).
  16. Must not get too excited... :fwap:
  17. Sifu


    Twente will cash in on one of de Jong and Douglas. It's one or the other imo (basing this on nowt btw!). We may have Saylor available but if I'm being honest, I have doubts about his overall fitness. That is, I'm still not really sure if Saylor can last a whole season...
  18. Villas-Boas is a decent appointment like. He will have learned quite a lot from his time at Chelsea - mistakes were made but it always seems to be the case that if you learn from them, things tend to go well... So I reckon he'll do an alright job for Spurs plus he'll have less egos to contend with there.
  19. Well well, that is a new low for the Chronicle Still though, I'm getting excited by the latest news on this front. If we have indeed upped our offer, then I really think he's ours. We shall find out soon enough...
  20. That is quite reassuring. Demba's staying forever and ever
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