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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Doesn't take much of a brain to see that Dalglish is nothing but a 70's style uberturboshit disco ball. The fact that John Henry gave him the job full time would indicate to me that he doesn't have much of a brain tbh. Henry realised too little, too late that Dalglish was a shite appointment. If he had sacked Kenny halfway through the season, there would have been a fair few riots from the Scousers. But by getting rid of him now, there's more than enough time to find a replacement and for the fans to get their "anger" out of their system.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Just seen the squad. Why the fuck is John Terry, Stewart Downing and Andy Carroll in there? (Plus why the fuck is Jordan Henderson on standby?!). Yep, England are screwed this summer.
  3. Just seen the news. It's an absolute shame that Dalglish has gone. Like most people, I would have preferred him to stay on and destroy Liverpool a bit more but alas wasn't to be (it looks as if John Henry actually has a brain and did the "right" thing for Liverpool...).
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What an absolute shame. I remember the 2008/09 season well when they kept comparing Gourcuff to Zidane. There was so much hype surrounding him yet it looks as if he hasn't handled it well at all.
  5. Looks like I missed out on 20 pages of goodness, oh well.
  6. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Pretty much only Streete. Pardew rates him highly (and I hear Tavernier can play CB too...). Got Alex Kitchen who is only 16 and highly rated. I know Carver likes him. You can see he has the frame for a CB despite only being 16 like. Sounds like one to watch.
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Don't think he was in contention in the first place (for me anyway).
  8. I said a month ago that I can't see Ba going anywhere this summer. My view hasn't changed.
  9. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Pretty much only Streete. Pardew rates him highly (and I hear Tavernier can play CB too...).
  10. Sifu

    The England Thread

    So is Roy announcing the squad tomorrow?
  11. A loan move might do Mehdi some good tbh. Needs some first team experience (though he might very well get that next season with us...).
  12. Fantastic. The longer he stays as Liverpool manager, the better. Don't ever leave Kenny
  13. Sifu


    Maybe Llorente wants to don the red and white stripes in a different league
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Another well deserved award for wor Pards :clap:
  15. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Holt is actually an outside chance for England, now that I think about it. The chatter in the media about him, on whether or not he should be in the England squad this summer is a clear sign to me that he is in serious contention of making it.
  16. They really are. South Yorkshire's finest.
  17. One of the best sites ever.
  18. Entertainment-wise, it's certainly been the best PL season of recent times. The way/manner in which Man City won the league...a goal in the 94th minute is something I doubt we'll see again in the near future. The drama involved yesterday was quite brilliant.
  19. Sifu

    Ravel Morrison

    I'm going to guess the former.
  20. Sifu

    Ravel Morrison

    He's only played once, I think.
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