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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. As it stands, wouldn't want him back whatsoever. Admittedly in the past, I was an advocate for a possible return but now I just can't see where he would fit in. Our style of play has changed quite a bit since his departure and we've certainly gone on to better things. It's a no go for me.
  2. Scrap the Europa League? Fuck off Michel, what a crap idea.
  3. Definitely yes to the Europa League. For one thing, European competition makes us a more attractive club to players. You can only go so far when it comes to persuading players to come here (such as the talk of the fans and the stadium, comments from current/former players etc.) but the lure of the Europe is that little bit extra which will help to convince a player to sign for you ahead of others. I definitely like the "glamour" involved too. We had such great adventures in the UEFA Cup/Champions League so would love to see the European nights back at St. James' Park.
  4. Out of the Sheffield clubs, I would say that Wednesday is the lesser of two evils.
  5. and quite possibly barton. Aye, can see a potential Barton transfer happening too. It'll mark the return of the set piece routine: Barton --> Carroll's head --> Nolan goal
  6. If West Ham get promoted (hope not btw), then I can see them going in for Carroll. He would fit Allardyce's style of play/tactics plus Carroll would be reunited with Nolan.
  7. Sifu


    Decided to listen to the mackems-Spurs game on Radio Newcastle today - "Cattermole had an excellent game and led by example." Ha!
  8. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Just caught up with this thread, the RAWK quote about Downing being better than Ben Arfa........fucking hell, I've heard it all now!
  9. Our game Can't wait to see Cissé's second goal again!
  10. So, Wolves are screwed. Almost certain to go down now.
  11. Just checked my team, got 27 points today. Not bad actually as I've moved up to 108th place. Thank you Clint!
  12. Good shout actually. I would prefer Gosling though!
  13. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/1/12/1326383011046/A-pint-of-bitter-in-a-non-007.jpg Apt.
  14. Ha'way the lads......... (urgh, I feel dirty).
  15. Looks like an error by .com. I'm sure Graham started out at Middlesbrough. he says, after quickly checking wikipedia. Busted
  16. Looks like an error by .com. I'm sure Graham started out at Middlesbrough.
  17. Yep, looking forward to this game! Should be a good'un. Hope Tiote and Cabaye are fine for Monday. Having Colo back would be a massive boost too (that's down to the physios and Colo really, if both parties think he's good to go then obviously I'd be all for it ).
  18. For me, in the last month or so, Santon has been a bit meh defensively (down to his positioning really) so to see him do so well in that aspect today was a really good/encouraging thing to see. his positioning has been ok. the lack of covering has been atrocious. good job simpson knows his place lest it would happen on both flanks. today he never really got forward so no covering was needed. For me, he still needs a bit of work on his positioning and today was a step in the right direction. This lad is going to be great, that I'm confident of.
  19. Good to hear. Now go to bed Demba, we need you well rested for Monday. Guess I was worrying about nothing! Shame on me.
  20. You just had to mention that!
  21. For me, in the last month or so, Santon has been a bit meh defensively (down to his positioning really) so to see him do so well in that aspect today was a really good/encouraging thing to see.
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