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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. What a goal from Meireles. 2-0 to Chelsea.
  2. From what I've seen, Birmingham have been decent in this first half.
  3. Good effort from Van Persie.
  4. Mata should have passed it there.
  5. Birmingham - Chelsea if I had the choice. Only if Arsenal scored an early goal I'd be tempted to switch. Have to watch the Arsenal match today... Think I'll go with your suggestion actually.
  6. Hmmm, which one should I watch tonight, the Chelsea-Birmingham game or the Arsenal-Milan game?
  7. Sifu


    Yes, yes we have One derby game and he loses it
  8. Sifu

    Players in public

    The upstairs bit is where people play Mah Jong. In terms of a high rollers bit, think they do have a secret room somewhere, think I remember seeing Chopra all those many years ago walking towards a random place. The toilets are in a random place, not the main ones. Sure at least 90% of people who go to Aspers don't know those toilets exist. Was amazed when I found them for the first time. Also the game I was thinking of was Big 2, Sifu. Completely misread your post as well as wormy's, apologies woops
  9. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Donny have some decent names on their books but they are still bottom of the league, such a shame, I tend to look out for their results. They have two games in hand over Bristol City so they can get out of the relegation places. Just have to push on.....
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Frédéric Piquionne has joined the Doncaster elite (on loan).
  11. Sifu

    Players in public

    The upstairs bit is where people play Mah Jong. In terms of a high rollers bit, think they do have a secret room somewhere, think I remember seeing Chopra all those many years ago walking towards a random place.
  12. Really? He was a sound poster. Sadly, that's the current state of affairs on RAWK. It's become a police state since Kenny became manager. I honestly don't see the point of running a fourm like that. Yep.......in the end, it's not really a forum.
  13. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Some nice comments there from Ben Arfa in FF btw, particularly this: This quote is pretty telling imo in that it does indicate that he really does want to stay with us despite all the s*** that's been happening with him recently (Pardew not starting him and all that). Think it could be safe to say that the lad will be with us next season. Pardew's also mentioned recently that "next season will be a big/important one for Hatem" which I guess is Pardew's way of saying, "he'll more than likely be playing a bigger role for us next season". I guess, to some extent, next season will be make or break for HBA (whether or not he really is in Pardew's plans and all that). We shall see. I guess we can assume that making the French squad this summer is not really on his mind anymore (I'm basing this on his long term aspirations of winning the 2014 World Cup and the Ballon d'Or) but I would hope that such a thought is still somewhat in the back of his mind. I reckon he has an outside chance of making the squad for this summer so this could very well act as an added incentive for him to play at his absolute best when given a chance.
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    More of the same tbh. If we finish 6th this season, it will be seen as massive progress and one which we should really build on. With a few more decent signings (mainly in defence), we should be looking at challenging for the top 5/6. The core of the team has been pretty much secured for the near future and we do have a good set of players in the squad so all eyes will definitely be on Pardew. With a good pre-season (one that's better than the last one anyway), testing out new systems/formations (a change in philosophy basically), then I can see next season going well. [/optimism]
  15. So it's just me then who thinks that Tiote is developing a dangerous habit of doing the famed Scottie Pirouette far too often these days? He's done it a few times in the last couple of games when he had enough space to drive with it forward. I guess it might have something to do with the huge gap between midfield and attack we're complaining about. He's actually doing it far less than he used to, not that it was always a bad thing in the first place of course. Aye, Tiote actually does it far more effectively than Parker imo. Cheik has better strength so 9 times out 10, he would come out on top.
  16. Good to hear. The more first team experience he gets, the better it'll be for him and us in the long term.
  17. Good news really. Financially, Ashley and Llambias have got us into a nice, healthy position so all credit to them on that front. Of course though, some of the things they've done have been inexcusable (stadium name change, plastering of SD signs/logos almost everywhere, unprofessionalism etc.). Having said that, it looks like actual progress is being made so the future is looking rather bright (just don't be doing anything stupid, Mike!).
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