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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    There was a mackem at Shark Club tonight, got quite a bit of stick
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Will be certain to start imo. I really think that with Cabaye and Tiote back, Pardew will be able to put more trust in Ben Arfa. The movement in midfield will be there and will be something Ben Arfa will thrive on imo.
  3. Thought it was woeful again. That corner decision from Ba's freekick was terrible too. Influenced by the crowd completely. Also will the FA do something about the blatant play acting by Defoe. Cheating cockney c***. Yeah, that was a joke.
  4. He was really poor today. Backed off a lot, misplaced passes and had a bad positional sense. Was just not on it. To me, he was at fault for Spurs' first goal - was out of position. It's becoming clear though that if we are to be a club striving to improve/be ambitious in the long term, Simpson should not be the first choice RB. I'll still put my trust in him between now and the end of the season like.
  5. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Looked to me that he was overwhelmed by Spurs' midfield today. Parker/Modric were really on top.
  6. Yep, that should be his main role. Can't have him starting games anymore.
  7. Good. People need to see it. Didn't watch it before but just saw it just there. Bloody hell, what a tool Dalglish is.
  8. Just got back in from the pub. Fucking hell, what a shambles today was. Absolute shite! We were completely outclassed everywhere on the pitch. We needlessly lost possession and our defending was very poor. Spurs were deserved winners, we didn't really turn up.
  9. Fergie His comments are bang on.
  10. Liverpool really need to fuck off!
  11. Unfortunately, if they win the Carling Cup, they're more than likely to brush what's happened regarding Suarez under the carpet. Surely that's a good thing, more likely to drag on into next season and ruin that for them too. Indeed but don't know if I can handle any more of Dalglish's interviews.....
  12. Unfortunately, if they win the Carling Cup, they're more than likely to brush what's happened regarding Suarez under the carpet.
  13. I wonder if there's going be a point where Kenny is "forced" to retire. Really cannot have him managing a PL club anymore.
  14. That really is brilliant from Evra there. Yeah, there was absolutely no need to get involved. Evra didn't really do anything wrong!
  15. Garth Crooks talking sense on Final Score. (He said that Kenny Dalglish has behaved badly throughout this whole Suarez affairs).
  16. Take Rooney out = Rooney starts scoring again
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