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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    While he is massive c***, Redknapp would be the best possible appointment imho.
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    He's at the Boro-Mackem game tonight (along with Carver).
  3. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Wouldn't mind that tbh. The only issue is whether he's a certain starter.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Hopefully whoever the FA bring in will have the balls to completely drop Terry from the squad.
  5. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Capello leaving is probably a good thing tbh.
  6. Glad his injuries aren't too serious. Get well soon!
  7. Yep, the general dislike towards Liverpool has certainly escalated this season and this is pretty much down to Dalglish being in charge. Needs to retire and completely leave the game. He's doing himself, Liverpool and English football no favours whatsoever. In any case though, fuck Liverpool.
  8. Ah right, yeah there's no chance of us spending £20 million+ in any transfer window, let alone this summer.
  9. I'll actually be amazed if, at the end of the summer transfer window, we end up selling none of our best players. Would be a sign of progress methinks. (Though guess it all depends on where we finish this season).
  10. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Season is over basically by the time he gets match fit. Guess that means he'll miss out on the Euros too (shame, was looking forward to seeing him play in the summer!).
  11. If so, then that's really unlucky for the lad. Get him rehabilitated and running properly again (maybe participate in some training sessions too, if possible) and get him ready for pre-season.
  12. Geremi was gone by the time we played Ipswich at Portman Road and SJP I thought? Aye, it may have been a different game. He didn't leave until 2010. Ipswich at home was after he left. Was last home game of 2009/10 season. Yes, I'm aware of that. He mentioned the game at Portman Road. Yes you're right. He didn't play at Portman Road though, he barely featured at all did he? Few games at the start of the season and that was it. Last appearance was the 2-1 defeat at Scunthorpe. And he missed that glorious chance (to draw level iirc) in that game. In a matter of seconds of missing that chance (and getting quite a lot of stick from the fans), got subbed off, never to be seen again.
  13. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    It's certainly been that way recently (reaction to Derry's shite tackle; Brighton's physicality) but in time, Cabaye will adapt/be fine with the physical side of the PL. But in general (for his first season in the PL anyway), think he's handled it quite well actually.
  14. Sifu


    Done Name, Sifu? @wanman10 I'm thinking Raylor may reply tomorrow morning..... He didn't reply
  15. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Only just seen the news, absolute joke tbh. Like some have said, if it was just your average person, they would have been sent down.
  16. Sifu


    Yeah, I think he's sound. After we signed Cissé, he did go a bit crazy on RTG yeah, think he went on a mag kernt rant
  17. Sifu


    We've still got a few tbf. brummie's still around, Neil, leffe, KD, 1878, jukebox, wacko, Mike. It'd be good to get a mackem that didn't revert to type but what are you going to do? What happened to that one that appeared for a bit after Wireside? Randy Savage? He came back briefly last month but hasn't been seen since.
  18. Sifu


    Done Name, Sifu? @wanman10 I'm thinking Raylor may reply tomorrow morning..... done. I''m the obvious one
  19. Sifu


    Done Name, Sifu? @wanman10 I'm thinking Raylor may reply tomorrow morning.....
  20. Raylor randomly in the background, Pardew's facial expressions :lol:
  21. Sifu


    Looks like it. Nah, don't think he has... nothing in the Ban list, and this... Last Active: Today at 10:31:45 PM Just keeping a lower profile I guess, after being outed today. Ah. Well I tried searching for him before in the member list and he doesn't exist there......
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