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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. So they're completely ignoring the fact that sponsored stadium names at the Olympics aren't allowed? City of Coventry Stadium
  2. 73 points, my best gameweek for a while (even though it's actually shite in comparision to Nut's and Prophet's scores )
  3. Thanks for that. Can't believe he only got a yellow for that (nee chance of the FA doing anything about it either!).
  4. No red card for that?! Inexplicable really. I missed the game, was any action taken against Suarez?
  5. This will not be the name of the stadium for the games so surely it shouldn't be used in this article?? Fucking BBC and their "consistencies". The City of Coventry Stadium should be called the Ricoh Arena then!
  6. That article is a good read. Really loving the man
  7. Not a bad result btw. Liverpool remain below us and we're 3 points ahead. Nice.
  8. Why is his grammar so bad? Because he's a thick cunt anarl.
  9. I suppose this has been the highlight of the game so far?
  10. Maybe a good thing I'm not watching this game then.....
  11. Saha will save the day methinks.
  12. Sifu


    Indeed, he's declared himself for them. EDIT: ah, just seen that he's wanted to play for the Republic for a while now. Fair enough.
  13. Sifu


    If McClean continues to perform well, he could very well be an outside bet for the Euro 2012 Ireland squad this summer. (Though it does spark the Northern Ireland vs the Republic debate, hmmm).
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    should be a smile.
  15. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Barton has since been informed that no action will be taken against him: Lucky boy really.
  16. (For the foreseeable future anyway).
  17. He definitely did that on a few occasions yesterday which was good to see but unfortunately his poor decision making is still there. Not as frustrating as he was a month ago though. Progress methinks. He did put in a few crosses BUT I am referring more to as soon as he gets the ball, forget taking 5 or so touches, either a first time cross or one touch to control the ball and cross it in What I was referring to was the early crossing. He did it a lot more yesterday than he ever has done (though yeah, he needs to do it a lot more). Of course, there were times when he took a touch too many (hence why I said his poor decision making is still there).
  18. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Nope, he scored in his second appearance for the club iirc.
  19. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    wilfmcf wilfrid mcfarlane @TaylorR1984 any chance you'll be fit for the mackem game coming from holland #OverTheWall 1 hour ago TaylorR1984 Ryan Taylor @wilfmcf most definately. Nice
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