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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. As in one that "doesn't track back/work hard enough?" (Marveaux is definitely an option for the left wing like, it is his preferred position after all).
  2. Hopefully his injury problems are now properly behind him. Looking forward to seeing him in action again, showed glimpses of a really good, intelligent player there when he did play.
  3. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Who could forget this training session from Allardyce-era:
  4. Sifu

    Ravel Morrison

    Nah, that story was more Fergie thinking Twitter was pointless rather than him banning it altogether (iirc).
  5. Sifu


    Raylor Loving his tweets like!
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Allardyce a better manager than Pardew? Bloody hell, I've heard it all now :lol:
  7. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    FWIW, really don't think Ben Arfa will be off this summer whatever the situation. For one thing, he'll finally have a chance of having a proper pre-season behind him and that will be a time when we can hopefully find/cement the lad's proper position in the team.
  8. :lol: (On a related note, anyone else remember Luque being photoshopped into the squad photo from years ago?)
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I do trust Pardew so I'm hoping he's actually handling the situation the way he sees fit (despite how he's managed it in the past/present). Not every player is the same, so for certain players, you just have to handle them differently.
  10. I remember reading about it ages ago. Think it's definitely true like
  11. Didn't actually watch the clip before but just watched it now. Woah
  12. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew's management of Ben Arfa is a weird and puzzling one. Hopefully, in the end, it'll be just be the case of "brilliant man management" and that he's only saying these things in the press to get some sort of positive reaction from Hatem in training (Pardew could have said these things in private too though). What I'm thinking is that Pardew knows that Ben Arfa is our most talented player in the squad and wants to play him in the team but it could be the case that Ben Arfa needs to be constantly reminded (be it in private or public) that he needs to play a "team game" and not try and do everything by himself. Of course, there will be times when the lad feels he has to do something by himself if things aren't going so well on the pitch (it has been his nature for most of his career) but isn't that the case with a lot of top players? I think it's the case that Pardew wants Ben Arfa to do the more "simpler things" (as in a simple pass/cross into the box from time to time instead of constantly trying to waltz into the box) - if the lad can do that, he's a certain starter. I think Hatem's defensive work has been alright, he's certainly been tracking back a lot more these days so don't think that should be too much of an issue anymore. Ultimately, I think Ben Arfa has to adapt his game, as in not to overthink things and just play it simple (think Hatem knows this, he does actually question himself from time to time). I'm not saying that he should stop doing his Messi-type runs but what I am saying is that he should learn that more often than not, a simple pass will lead to a goalscoring opportunity. Think having Cabaye and Tiote back will benefit Ben Arfa a lot, they can encourage this "playing it simple style" I reckons.
  13. I honestly think that the only way for Liverpool fans to become "normal" and less delusional is the club getting relegated (I know, I know, it's never going to happen.....).
  14. The Goal! film franchise really was meh tbh. An underwhelming set of films (though I did enjoy the first one for obvious reasons ).
  15. Sifu

    St James' Park

    The BBC's hypocrisy is really annoying though.
  16. Sifu


    Hope he's sensible from now on otherwise my perception of the actual Super Hans character could change forever EDIT: just seen that he has been trolling other threads too, ha!
  17. Sifu


    Only just caught up with today's events......... So to summarise, Super_Hans is a mackem who was trolling in the "Battle for 7th" thread?
  18. nah its alright now. sometimes it asks me if i want to rescan the channels but i just ignore it. havent watched it anywhere near as much as i thought. i wish that my pwning of dave was intentional
  19. Btw, how's that Freeview box doing for you MW? Are you still missing some channels?
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