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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Spot on that. Looks good for this summer's Euros
  2. Suarez really is a fucking cunt. You could argue that signing him/his presence has poisoned the PL (and one person to blame for that, Dalglish). Scummy club, scummy city. Fuck off.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Obertan tried to clear a ball just outside our box in our last game which ended up closer to our goal after his attempt at it, anything could have happened from that but he was lucky. Aye but not a sign of making the wrong decisions is it. Barfa is trying to do to much, everyone said it weeks ago during his first chances & we're still saying it weeks later. The lad almost has to much belief in himself trying flicks & taking on 2/3 players. Hes been out a year & come back to a league hes never played in. He should be keeping it more simple in the majority and progressing gradually in what he tries. Don't think it's too much belief, it's more rather he overthinks situations - he actually said in an interview a few weeks back that he asks himself so many questions when he has the ball at his feet (as in "what should I do now? Should I do this? Should I do that?"). It can be said that such a thought process does mean that he is prone to making the wrong decision from time to time (and this results in him losing possession). Needs to learn that playing it simple will work more often than not.
  4. From you know where.. :lol: Oh the people on RAWK are almost on par with RTG!
  5. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Completely forgot about Johnson. Can certainly do a job for England on the right/left. Just wish he was playing regular football at club level!
  6. Sifu


    It's definitely real (verified account and all that). It's just that he's an absolute dickhead when it comes to football - he really does talk shite.
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    I probably agree, my post was mainly seen as the long term but not necessarily on just the Euros but having said that Cole would'nt be there but quite frankly i cant think of any LB...... Infact id put Cole in a wheelchair over the likes of Baines and Gibbs, hoping for the countries sake that someone comes along and proves the likes of me wrong...... As the Euro's go i question who from that team would be ready..... Jones and Smalling are not ready imo and neither is Ox as great as he's done so far i question whether he's ready for the very top level..... Obviously there are question marks of Wilshere and Cleverly's fitness. I personally would right off the Euro's totally, and just build for 2014 and beyond. I'd definitely have Cole at LB for the Euros and beyond too. Not only is he England's best option for LB these days, he has also been England's most consistent performer for the last 10 years or so (still a c*** though). The likes of Baines and others are decent enough backups but they're simply up to Cole's level (yet). If Oxlade-Chamberlain continues to perform well for Arsenal (he has looked really promising from what I've seen), can definitely see him being picked for this summer's squad. Might even have a chance of starting imo, could even take Walcott's place - Theo's career/development has somewhat stalled. Hmmm. Mind you, I'm foolishly holding out hope that all is not lost with the Euros for us this summer Btw, I do like the look of your long-term line up.
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Jones has been, at best, average at CB this season. He's still young though so has plenty of time to learn and develop. Smalling has been somewhat better but he's also far from the finished article. I'm pretty sure that in the future, the first choice CB partnership for England will be Jones-Smalling but think the Euros will be too soon for them (I reckon the time to implement such a partnership should be after the Euros actually). Having said that, doesn't look like we have many options at CB. Perhaps give the likes of Dawson, King (unlikely due to his knee), Cahill, Lescott and Jagielka runouts?
  9. Nice. I suspect someone's going to have a few words with him behind the scenes.
  10. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm pretty confident that Ben Arfa still has a big role to play here. Definitely won't leave this summer imho.
  11. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Aye I think so too!
  12. Sifu


    Unfortunately, it's their way of life!
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Keep going Ali......
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Indeed, it is a mimi's comments on it too: Another thing I should add is that Ben Arfa also said that he pretty much won't throw his toys out of the pram if he doesn't get selected to start a game by Pardew (things not going Hatem's way so to speak). The lad also knows he just has to continue to work hard when things aren't going so well (poor performances, substituted during a game etc.).
  15. Quite looking forward to this! I am somewhat worried about the lack of bite we'll have in CM but should be a good game. Score draw.
  16. Sifu


    Nice pixelated photo.
  17. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Nice Good effort from whoever wrote that!
  18. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Just seen Merson's prediction, fucking hell Though I see Lawrenson has predicted us to lose, usually goes our way when he does that
  19. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Impressive stuff, all credit to Pardew
  20. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    "Bayern Munich of the North East" Awesome
  21. I reckon Giggs is still a really good player like. Sure, nowadays he's not as a good as he was in the days of old but he can still do a decent job imo. Can't believe he's still going and performing at the highest level. Respect tbh. (Still a bit of a dick for what happened last year with the CTB/injunction stuff).
  22. Which Premier League club spent the most money in the January transfer window? Went for QPR based on them signing Cisse, Zamora & Taiwo, and also being minted. Was being said a lot on here that Chelsea ended up going above us on money spent too with that Bruyne kid or whatever, too? Would've taken a stab at them ahead of us too tbh. Aye, Chelsea ended up the highest overall spenders this January but we spent the most on a single player. The pub got it wrong then.
  23. Sifu

    Shearer's bar

    (It's actually not a bad suggestion if the name was ever to change.......).
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