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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. We all knew Webb was going to have a rather shit game. One of the worst refs in the league imho and that is saying something.
  2. For the first time this season, I can now look at this graph without feeling downbeat. Onwards and upwards.
  3. Any sort of ball slipped through to Long will more than likely result in Colo and Williamson being done for pace and giving WBA chances at goal. Obviously, I hope Long has a stinker but I can't help but think of Colo's/Williamson's struggles against WBA at St. James' in recent times. A high line will make things very difficult for us at the back imho.
  4. Long vs Coloccini and Williamson, I think I know who's going to win that battle...
  5. Meh, completely indifferent to this news. Will be a good trivia question for the coming years though.
  6. Coloccini always seems to have a torrid time against West Brom so I'd definitely go for Yanga-Mbiwa and Williamson as the CB pairing for this one (and all other subsequent games, form permitting).
  7. Aye, it was Materazzi. Shearer elbowed Cannavaro in the same game and got a two game ban for that.
  8. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Atmosphere was sound but it's the view, I don't feel as involved up that high. I'm not bothered about heights but after a couple of beers it made me feel slightly ill. Each to their own Admittedly though, Level 7 would be my last resort if there are no seats available in the Middle/Upper Tier of the Leazes or the Middle Tier of the Gallowgate.
  9. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I quite like Level 7, charvas aside.
  10. Few weeks old like. Craig Hope. Ah, he's sunk to the depths of the Daily Mail now? Shame.
  11. Really don't like playing West Brom, they've become one of those teams that seem to play well against us home and away (2011/2012 season at the Hawthorns aside). We fluked a win at St. James' last season but our confidence is high atm so I'm expecting better things this time round (insert Yao smiley as appropriate).
  12. Has someone had a few bevvies tonight?
  13. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Hang on, Shola's scored against Italy?! Never thought I'd see the day, he's blatantly going to the World Cup like.
  14. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    One of the signs of the apocalypse surely?
  15. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    I can see the thread title change already...Shola Ameobi: World Cup goalscorer.
  16. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    What was going through Taylor's fucking mind when he decided to post that?! Fucking idiot. Personally think he needs to be punished for that as he's essentially given the club the wrong sort of publicity (especially when he's pretty much has it in his head that he's some sort of "Super Geordie"). Pretty sure he's not racist but what he is is a thick cunt
  17. Which game was it when he pretty much took the ball out from defence and into the opposition's half with a Messi-esque run?
  18. Was talking about Santon today with my mate and we both agreed that Santon's performances of late have been a bit underwhelming. Whilst his positioning and overall defending has improved compared to last season, there is still that hint of naivety there on his part (that is, losing the ball when he has it much too easily when he has it and his one-on-one defending against wingers). Don't get me wrong, he still remains my first choice LB and I have no doubt that with some further coaching, he'll be one of the best LBs in the PL and his mistakes will be cut out to a minimum but as it stands he is lagging behind the others in defence and needs to step it up a bit.
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