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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Agree with this like. But the thing is he's 27 now - how much more time does a defender need to learn not to do daft s***? The sort of thing he's prone to is what you could expect from a young player, but he's way passed that point now. Sadly I don't think he has the footballing intelligence to ever rid himself of these errors :/ Like I say, think he uses his "fist pumping/bigging up the crowd" act to hide from his mistakes. Once he stops playing up to that persona and actually concentrate on what's happening on the field, we'll see the Taylor from 2011/12 again imo. Needs a kick right up the arse, his time away from the team should be a wake up call.
  2. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    His self-proclaimed "Mr Geordie" image has really increased his ego and that does hinder his ability to play his game - he pretty much uses such an image to hide from his mistakes. Having said that, we've seen on many occasions that he is a solid CB on his day so for that reason, I'd keep him on. Unfortunately he is still prone to some naive/daft decisions which he must remove from his game as soon as possible.
  3. He will once someone crocks him. He gets ploughed through more or less every game tbf to Wilshere. Doubt he'd be as good without the same aggression, bit like Rooney, just needs to channel it correctly. And long may it continue.
  4. He will once someone crocks him.
  5. I'm glad I don't have to listen to Mick Lowes' commentary week in, week out.
  6. Look up. sorry, it was meant more in a "team pls win today" kind of way Dolan fail tbf That makes sense! I'm still half asleep.
  7. It seems so, for me any sort of involvement today would have meant that he had a slim chance of having a future here but alas it's not to be, what an absolute shame.
  8. Stability Clause: "A clause that may be included in a non-proportional reinsurance treaty, providing for the indexation of monetary limits (i.e. the excess point and/ or the upper limit) in line with a specified index of inflation."
  9. What coverage is there of this? Just BBC Radio Newcastle I guess? Pretty worried about this game if I'm being honest - the Solskjaer/new manager effect and all that shite.
  10. ^ My feelings about a Ba return are still the same. He's a proven goalscorer in this league and would no doubt improve our frontline, especially when we've seen that he can score goals out of nothing.
  11. Only just seen the tackle there - whilst he does get the ball, the manner in which he does so was dangerous. Having two feet off the ground when attempting to do a slide tackle is just asking for trouble - if he got any of the player there, it would have been a leg breaker, no doubt so it was a deserved red card. Such an idiotic challenge but the unfortunate thing is that it was a rush of blood to the head which Debuchy (and Cabaye) is prone to on the rare occasion (though it is usually on the back of frustration...).
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