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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Losing a lot of respect for Hart like. Why are there no likeable England internationals anymore?
  2. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    Sounds like Joe Hart is quickly earning the tag of "cretin".
  3. Sound, though that makes it all the more s**** that we lost. That ref needs a demotion to the lower leagues for a while like. Scandalous decision not to let that goal stand.
  4. Exactly the reason why our better players will more than likely leave. I used to mock Villa back in the day for being a club for just "being there" in the PL, we're becoming that kind of club now. Sad times.
  5. I missed everything to do with this today (had pre-arranged plans with the mother) so shit refereeing aside, how were we?
  6. It's such a shame that he has declined quite a bit in the last couple of years or so. He was, for me, an indispensable player for us for a good while and that was down to his ability to retain possession; winning free kicks and ultimately relieving pressure. He made that left wing his own for a good 3 years and he always gave it his all. However, his recent decline was a clear sign that he was not a first team starter anymore but I would have still kept him on as a squad player, alas though circumstances have seemingly changed. I wish nothing but luck to him, he's a brilliant bloke and was a great servant to the club. All the best.
  7. I'll have to make extra sure I make it to the next one, looks like I've missed out on yet another great occasion.
  8. Like most people, I still have no idea what he's on about in that video to this day.
  9. My mate reckons he's overrated. Can't say much about him myself apart from the fact that he's apparently a targetman but hardly agile.
  10. Sifu


    Talking about Steve Wraith then? I think this needs to be posted again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmopLjjFP8Q
  11. West Ham are funny. Many thanks to Allardyce for that.
  12. That was more down to Mancini being shite.
  13. Man U fucking up I see, how fucking predictable. Useless cunts.
  14. Sifu

    Remy Cabella

    You stole my idea. Vengeance will be sought.
  15. Sifu


    Ah he's good people.
  16. 4 deals? Not that I'm optimistic like...
  17. Ah, don't be taking this away from us!
  18. And again: He's going to let the mackems f***ing win next week isn't he?
  19. Once Ferguson retired you could almost hear the sighs of relief from the FA and all referees across the country.
  20. He's going to let the mackems f***ing win next week isn't he?
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