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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Lawrenson had it right all along?!
  2. Yeah. Welsh Mackems. Yeah, coming to think this way. It's sad really.
  3. Cardiff fans are most unpleasant. Just been told to fuck off by various people on this train.
  4. What the fuck does Moyes think he's doing? If he gets outsmarted by Kevin Ball ffs
  5. Didn't get stalked btw, safe and sound inside the stadium!
  6. Watch yourself, sounds a bit odd. They were drinking on the train so that might have been a contributing factor, they basically made the trip down without tickets. Exactly the kind of setup which sees you stalked and relieved of your tickets. Just saying, keep you head about you till you get in the ground. Cheers for the concern mate. Should be fine though, just have to be vigilant. Got about 2 hours to roam around the city centre now...
  7. Watch yourself, sounds a bit odd. They were drinking on the train so that might have been a contributing factor, they basically made the trip down without tickets.
  8. On another note, just had some pricks pester me for my ticket and they seemed really offended when I said no. Fuck off.
  9. I reckon the team will basically be the same as the one against Everton except it will be Williamson in for Yanga-Mbiwa (which I don't really want to see) and Cabaye in for Anita [/pardewlogic]. Is Bellamy fit for them btw?
  10. Sifu

    Dan Gosling

    Don't be coming back now Dan.
  11. Or not, yay. EDIT: wait, hang on, why am I going again?
  12. Well I missed out on getting a ticket then...
  13. Taylor's too prone to rushes of blood to the head, he has proven to be a solid CB in the past, I won't deny that but he really needs to calm down a little.
  14. My point still stands though, some people are just too quick to judge a player who is still adapting so to speak. Sometimes people need to take a step back and breathe and think through things logically. As it stands, our defence is a complete horror show but chopping and changing is not the way, it can ultimately set a player back a bit in terms of confidence. Bringing back Taylor/Williamson is a risk for me because: 1) Taylor almost tries too hard and his "Super Geordie" attitude gets him into more trouble than it should. 2) Williamson has demonstrated that he can be a big liability if his confidence goes.
  15. So I suppose people have calmed down now? Can't believe that some people are willing to write Yanga-Mbiwa off right here, right now. He was atrocious yesterday evening, granted but the knee-jerk reaction is embarrassing imho. Aye, let's write off all players and don't give them a chance to settle. It was a horror show all round from our defence. Bring back Williamson you say? (He did look decent enough when he came on mind) - the man who people were glad to see the back of from the team last season? People just need to find a scapegoat it seems. I, for one, am not writing Yanga-Mbiwa off and I would be more than happy to see him start on Saturday. Now comes for him to show some mental strength.
  16. We got what we deserved from this game: f*** all. It doesn't matter that the players decided to start playing properly at the 45 minute, football is a game consisting of 90 minutes, they should have turned up on the first f***ing minute.
  17. Surely this qualifies you as a Geordie? Just like Steven Taylor. Good observation that. Definitely consider myself a Geordie in any case.
  18. Whilst I'm not a Geordie in terms of being "born and bred in Newcastle" (I was born in Northern Ireland but my family moved to the city when I was only a few months old), I was raised in Newcastle and there was naturally going to be one team I was going to end up supporting: Newcastle United. Another thing is that NUFC was a way of integrating with the other kids at primary school - when I started I was a basically a timid Chinese boy who could hardly speak any English, difficult times like so I'm glad I had NUFC in my life back then, football parties were the best.
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