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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    He's already ruined my week and it's only fucking Monday.
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    A bit like the amount of time he gets to work on it. He doesn't have much time to work on it, granted. But the whole managerial setup is Pardew plus his assistants. The assistants are there to advise the manager on aspects of the game in which he is not particularly proficient in - as Carver is there to "advise" Pardew on attacking but as we've looked toothless in attack, a portion (however small) has to be attributed to Carver, as harsh as it sounds.
  3. A gutless, embarrassing display from start to finish. You just knew as soon as Liverpool got the second goal on the 17th minute it was all over - this is something no-one should ever think this during a football game (and certainly not at home) but this season and the manager's tactics has instilled us with that mentality. A sad state of affairs.
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Bollocks is Carver as much to blame. Carver does "oversee" our attacking play and it's virtually non-existent.
  5. It is really silly but guess that's what a day like yesterday does to people.
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    He's a scout, not a coach. His management career was pretty gash. Saying that, at least he knows the players. He could pick the team, get Carver to rile them up a bit, I'd be happy with that. Just assessing any sort of potential options we could look to. As it stands (imo) it'll be one of: a Carver/Stone partnership or Beardsley/Donachie as caretaker. I shudder.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    If we get rid now, we should have Graham Carr as caretaker or is that too wishy washy/stupid?
  8. Can't we just end the season now? Can't be fecked with this
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew has single-handedly ruined football for everyone connected with Newcastle United. That takes some doing like. The man can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. Realistically speaking though, don't think they would get rid now but he has to go in the summer. We are in desperate need of a fresh start, Pardew's really defunct of any clever ideas and simply does not learn from his mistakes and simply will not take any responsibility. The man has no balls.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    He has dug himself such a large hole that I really can't see him getting out of it and he only has himself to blame - unfortunately his ego's too big for him to realise it.
  11. Oh fuck right off. Words fail me.
  12. Playing the victim card again are we Liverpool? Just fuck off, you can disappear from the face of the Earth as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    Beckham's excursion there was basically pointless (although having just typed that, I realise Beckham was never going to teach them anything really).
  14. Well done to the FA (never thought I'd say that). Liverpool can fuck right off if they appeal this.
  15. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    But where am I going to get my presumptuous shrimp eggrolls, Sifu? I'll send you some myself. Sealed and approved. I feel like it's slightly OTT that you want me to die because of this thread. I would miss you tbf
  16. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That looks so fucking plain. Yet more money-saving tactics (and was it really necessary?). Mind you it looks so much better than the SD shite.
  17. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    But where am I going to get my presumptuous shrimp eggrolls, Sifu? I'll send you some myself. Sealed and approved.
  18. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    15/16 pages...damn it Mike. I hereby ban you from all Chinese takeaways here.
  19. Sifu

    Why no playoffs?

    I do know Mike's weaknesses...
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