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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. This is actually going to give my week a boost!
  2. The National Football Museum is a bit shit like.
  3. Mainly because we're doing shit I think.
  4. We should do a Hitzfeld type campaign for Girard.
  5. Huzzah: http://i.imgur.com/amxvrHL.png Registered.
  6. Sifu

    Has the passion gone?

    Feel really apathetic/disillusioned about it all if I'm being honest. Really couldn't have cared less about our games these past few weeks because in the back of my mind, I just knew what we would serve up - the same deep line/defensive s****. Having said all that though, I am never one to miss a game voluntarily so I naturally follow/watch the game on matchday even though I know I'm going to dread the next 90 minutes. Endurance is the key and I do find myself being as passionate as ever when the game kicks off/during the game - that is, shouting when things go wrong and screaming with elation if we score (pity the latter is rare these days). The thing is though, Newcastle United are my club and I can never allow myself to completely block them out of my head. I know there's more to life than football but NUFC has contributed to my life more ways than none (helped me to integrate at primary school, for example) and all I want is what's best for the club. It pains me to see us in such a situation and I have allowed it to affect my day/week but at the same time, a great deal of apathy has set in but whatever happens I will never stop supporting NUFC.
  7. Bang on the f***ing money The proof is in the pudding, take Sissoko for example, he's not looked like the same player he was when he first joined us and I can only attribute that to the manager and his tactics (he's not a number 10!).
  8. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Probably due to arrogance, he can do no wrong. Yep, his ego knows no bounds and it's really to our detriment.
  9. It's blatantly clear he's lost all faith in Pardew. After all, he has actually been lied to about our style of play. Still a key player in my books despite his below-par performances recently.
  10. Another long week of waiting beckons, urgh. So disillusioned with it all.
  11. And today's performance shows how much we've missed him.
  12. A point is better than nothing but I still feel shit. Fuck off Pardew. Well, at least the sun's out.
  13. Graham Carr? He's 68. Yes, I was alluding to the possibility that Graham Carr, our chief scout with encyclopedic knowledge of french football, might have recommended Rene Girard. Ah
  14. The team selection is fine, the approach we take today however could deem it moot though.
  15. Please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win, please win. Needless to say but getting win is so fucking important but our f***ing away record man.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    http://i.ebayimg.com/t/KEEP-CALM-AND-TRUST-PARDEW-BADGE-BUTTON-PIN-1inch-25mm-diamtr-ALAN-NEWCASTLE-/00/s/MjU5WDI1MA==/$(KGrHqJ,!pQE-v1DDhpYBPzeOntJMg~~60_35.JPG http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KEEP-CALM-AND-TRUST-PARDEW-BADGE-BUTTON-PIN-1inch-25mm-diamtr-ALAN-NEWCASTLE-/360464271055?pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item53ed5846cf
  17. As expected, my week has been rather tough (Villa's result kicked things off really...). Sincerely hope my 3 day weekend isn't ruined by this game.
  18. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Please stop releasing these statements...
  19. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Looking like it Would have much preferred if they said f*** all tbh.
  20. Actually don't think the home strip is that bad...
  21. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got a headache developing. Rage is certainly building.
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