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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    It was something like: (4-4-2) Given Carr Bramble Boumsong Babayaro Milner Dyer Butt Robert Shearer Kluivert/Shola
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Good post, Sifu - I'm also getting to the stage where I'm less and less interested if this is what the craic is. When Sifu loses his optimism...s***'s got real yo. The Derby loss last week broke me.
  3. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Don't think I've ever been as unattached to football as I have been this season. To basically see the same shit week in, week out has been a fucking chore and to be honest, my enjoyment for the game has diminished rather quickly, that win against Chelsea and our Europa League run have been the only positives from this turgid season. I know there's other things to life other than football but I can't help but feel that the game is an important part of my life, it's just how it is and to receive no enjoyment for it is really saddening. Pardew's endless list of excuses, his tactics, the fucking 3-0 loss to the Mackems...sad to say this but fuck football man, it's basically ruined the majority of my weekends and I'm now holding Pardew mainly (not wholly) responsible for this sort of apathy - there's a lot of other factors that have contributed to this season's shitness as well such as shit refereeing and a lack of investment in the summer. Football can be a fickle game mind and I have been guilty of that on a fair few occasions but it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep my faith in a man who has fucked up in his role big time. Credit when credit is due and criticism when criticism is due and he is rightly receiving a lot of criticism.
  4. Might as well really, can't be as bad as the men's exploits.
  5. He's becoming Pardew's whipping boy. This is excellent man-management.
  6. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Needs to be shown a video of his miss today tbh. Needs to really learn that sometimes keeping it simple is the key. Like someone at work advised me the other day, KISS (Keep it simple stupid - I do realise this is a bit harsh...). Would definitely still have him as our main striker for the forseeable future mind.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    We should just wait for HT, let the opposition go to the dressing room but we just stay on the park and just knock the ball about like we do in the warm up. f*** Pardew, f*** his teamtalks, just ignore HT totally and wait for the opposition to come back out. I'm a visionary. Revolutionary thinking.
  8. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    They went 433 and took over by pressing and having almost 3 strikers...We went into firefighting/running around/Cabaye moaning... That's another thing, whenever an opposing manager changes something, Pardew just s***s himself.
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Half time Alan strikes again. Should just get someone else to do the teamtalks and I mean anyone but Pardew. Whatever he says/does at half time just ruins everything. Fuck off.
  10. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's pretty hard to touch the ball when the team's instructed to play that fucking deep.
  11. Hang on, where's Sylvain? Is he injured? EDIT: Marveaux is injured. Ah.
  12. A great deal of apathy has set in for this game if I'm being honest. Will still watch it like but can't help but feel a bit "meh" about it...oh what have you done to me Alan...
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Think that Ian-gate incident at the pub has got to you
  14. That fucking cunt Suarez will (deservedly) win it. Fucking cunt.
  15. They'd murder us. Yanga-Mbiwa's pace will be key here, need a big game from him although that's probably a bit too much to ask from him atm. Saylor's going to get caught out badly.
  16. What's the craic with Viagogo?
  17. Him along with Johnson and Colback...absolute c***s man. Cannot comprehend how players, who claim to be lifelong supporters of the club, are able to celebrate the way they did (and in a Sunderland jersey no less). (I do note Shearer was guilty of a bit of over exuberence towards us in his Blackburn days...).
  18. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Hence why I said he has had a few hiccups here and there - City away wasn't his finest hour. We didn't have many options at the time mind (plus Santon was only settling in...).
  19. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Gutted for Raylor. You can only imagine how he must be feeling right now. Not an automatic starter by any means but he is a decent enough (utility) player to have in the squad. Capable on set pieces and did slot in decently enough last season at RB/LB/RM (a few hiccups here and there admittedly) and a good professional. Speedy recovery Ryan.
  20. Torres' goal at Stamford Bridge this season wasn't too bad I thought.
  21. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Steve Wraith. Actor.
  22. I think this line of Newcastle fans are more than likely future EDL than the next batch of fighters against fascism. Hope they all get identified and all get hit with a ban from all football games. Fucking pricks, they're probably the same ones who caused the bother pre-match a few weeks ago when we played Wigan. These people think they're hard but they're fucking cowards, the lot of them.
  23. I was hoping this game was a figment of my imagination when I woke up today. Oh the horror when I realised it actually happened. It still fucking hurts.
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