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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    I've been told similar as well. And it comes from a good source. Moat will secure his bank loan with guess who standing as guarantor. (no not me) Of course it could all be pie in the SKY but.... sAME hp AS THE tAYLOR STORY? He SeeMED To GeT tHAT One PRETTy ACCurate
  2. lovejoy

    RIP sale thread.

    I've been told similar as well. And it comes from a good source. Moat will secure his bank loan with guess who standing as guarantor. (no not me) Of course it could all be pie in the SKY but.... very, very interesting.
  3. sky sports said last week he had offers from 3 prem clubs.
  4. can see moyes to villa actually. would be a natural move as he would have a pretty similar situation to where he is now (league position, well run club) but with a shit load of money, whcih he'll never have at everton.
  5. equally, it is easy to comment when you dont see it every week Granted, but I'd give owt to be in their position ah aye! i'd swap them anyday! And I understand that sentiment, but from the inside looking out, it isn't quite so simple. agreed.
  6. equally, it is easy to comment when you dont see it every week Granted, but I'd give owt to be in their position ah aye! i'd swap them anyday!
  7. equally, it is easy to comment when you dont see it every week
  8. I dont want him to be replaced, in that I think he has earned the right to carry on. The problem is, I don't trust his ability turn things around. We are now in the position where we absolutely MUST push on. I've been watching Villa since the early 1970s, but yesterday was one of the more depressing experiences, as I realised that, actually, nothing has changed since the end of last season, and despite him having months and months to replace Laursen and Barry, let alone strengthen the squad, he hasn't even begun to do it. He'll pay the price, and it will be all his own fault. i echo others sentiments that this is very much like us under bobby towards the end. our shortcomings were so obvious the season before we sacked him, yet the summer didnt see us adequately remedy it. having said that, i remember being pretty happy with the butt signing that summer (if only i knew).
  9. i do think he fucked up with cahill mind. i also think shorey was a poor piece of business, but that aside, from the outisde looking in, he's done a good job.
  10. Neither would I. The animosity towards him yesterday was really surprising. He's lost the spine of the team (not his fault) but failed to even begin replacing it (entirely his fault). Yesterday was a performance straight out of the O'Leary era. Absolutely and utterly lacking in art, in skill and in cohesion. Seems like a victim of his own success to me. Sacking O'Neil now could come back to haunt you in five years time like sacking Sir Bobby did us. O'Neil isn't perfect, but you don't go sacking a manager unless you have reasonable expectations of appointing someone who can do better. maybe, givent heir resources, they feel they can appoint someone to do better though? and for some reason, i would back lerner to get it right, or certainly more so than freddy did.
  11. Neither would I. The animosity towards him yesterday was really surprising. He's lost the spine of the team (not his fault) but failed to even begin replacing it (entirely his fault). Yesterday was a performance straight out of the O'Leary era. Absolutely and utterly lacking in art, in skill and in cohesion. honestly?? villa appear, to me, to be such a well run outfit. young, predominiantly english players, with plenty of pace and a real hunger. considering where you came from, he has done an outsanding job imo. the animosity surprises me. but then again, i dont watch you every week. it could be 'scott parker/kevin nolan' syndrome on my part. THe football last season was pretty awful. Well, the football at home was very awful, horrible to watch. He's screwed up every transfer market since he has been here, and now we're starting to pay the cumulative price. yesterday we were looking for a break from the last part of last season, but what we got was actually much worse. Even the basics, we are lacking in. He will be gone by Christmas, I genuinely believe that (and have stated that here before). We're very well run at board level, but shipshod at manager level. No excuse for it. If you'd seen us yesterday, you would understand it. It isn't just about one game, it is about the cumulative effect of the last 7 or 8 months. fair play. as i said, it could be the media syndrome which makes others think you are doing well (scott parker syndrome). i know you have said that lerner is frustarted at how little he spends given the resources. who would you like to see replace him?
  12. lovejoy


    anyone else think he looked like he had a turn of pace about him?
  13. Neither would I. The animosity towards him yesterday was really surprising. He's lost the spine of the team (not his fault) but failed to even begin replacing it (entirely his fault). Yesterday was a performance straight out of the O'Leary era. Absolutely and utterly lacking in art, in skill and in cohesion. honestly?? villa appear, to me, to be such a well run outfit. young, predominiantly english players, with plenty of pace and a real hunger. considering where you came from, he has done an outsanding job imo. the animosity surprises me. but then again, i dont watch you every week. it could be 'scott parker/kevin nolan' syndrome on my part.
  14. Who says we should sell them and bring nobody in? Nobody wants to continue to sell players with no intention to bring in replacements. where do i say they do? look at the evidence so far of exits and aquisitions. do people HONESTLY believe that ashley will fund a re-build?
  15. Caçapa? sorry, i shoul dhave said and old DECENT head. cacapa and ronnie johnson dont quite fit that bill.
  16. are people fucking retarded? are are they going to start realising that we are seeling an awful lot of players and getting fuck all in? the money is an awful lot of bollocks as well, because fuck all of it will be seen in terms of replacement purchases. collocini was good yesterday, and whilst the likes of him, duff, taylor were no great shakes in the prem, we are not there anymore, and they would be very adequate in the league we are in, so selling them, and bringning nobody in, is a fucking travesty, and we're fucked if it keeps happening. what exactly is there to celebrate here?
  17. as ive already said, we have never had an old head that the younger players could learn from. would bring taylor on leaps and bounds. just a shame it would appear he will be his replacement.
  18. Campbell would be a huge signing IMO, we have never had a centre half that our younger players could learn from. Taylor, presuming he stays, and him would be a great partnership in this league.
  19. no more of this tashy ponce's predictions. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8197263.stm
  20. never did it for us, never. i honestly dont think i saw him go past anyone in his time here, and im not taking the piss there. and £4m is not far short of what we paid for him and he has declined massivley (reputation wise) since we bought him. however, he would have done well in this league imo, and we simply cant keep selling everyone and brining nobody in. we need somebody new down both sides now, as well as two new centr halves, a left back and a goalscoring centre forward. thats 6 more players. we dont stand a fucking chance of getting them in imo. one positive is susppose is we still look very strong (for this league) in central midfield. (all of the above presuming colo, taylor, jonas go, whcih they will).
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