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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. fuck me lads, are we seriously re-collecting songs that may or may not have been sung 30 years ago? and who may or may not have been there? jesus wept.
  2. i'm all for the supporters club, and fair play to those setting it up, at least they are trying to do soemthing about the club besides whinge on a messageboard and the likes. but the banner yesterday was a fucking waster of time, and money.
  3. lovejoy

    don hutchison

    nowt really, he's just on the telly, which is bad enough
  4. lovejoy

    don hutchison

    he's gone for the thick as mince, classic chris waddle/michael carrick 'tone me geordie down' twatfull accent. 'he's a great couch'. did you get him from dfs like you dozy tosspot? its coach.
  5. lovejoy

    don hutchison

    absoloute twat of the highest order, and a fucking embarassing accent to boot. cunt.
  6. lovejoy

    Michael Owen

    aye, we'll desperately need him until january, when he will be off
  7. lovejoy

    Players in public

    saw oba tins and charles on oz road today
  8. Especially when Ashley isn't one. exactly. fuck me.
  9. the cockney stuff is a load of fucking shite tbh, and only a mong would take this view. just my opinion like.
  10. tomorrow's times reckons we will go for hoddle if el tel says no
  11. I wonder where she'd be without Gazza. Probably living in a council flat like most unmarried single mothers. I can't see her becoming a millionairess without him. All that wealth she got from him yet she refused to move to Scotland when he played for Rangers. Ah right so because he is/was rich he can do what he wants? not at all, but if he was as bad as she says, then why keep his surname all of these years? the reason being, is that its the only reason she is known, same with her daughter (who isnt even his) who ha slived off the back of it.
  12. So it's that t*** behind Ferdinand's You've been framed rip off?! in other news, kevin keegan resigns...
  13. no, which is a hell of a rurnaround for me.
  14. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/newcastle/article4805881.ece
  15. results do not prove that a 4th choice centre half was the right move. if so we should have been happy with dabizas/o'brien/titus as centre halves cos we finished 3rd with them No, they don't, but Knight did a decent job last year. We actually had our best defensive spell when he was in the team. I was one of the people covering my eyes when we signed him, but he contributed last season, and now he's down the pecking order with much better players in front of him which is what building a squad is all about really. he's doing a cracking job MON imo, and he's being allowed (by both fans and owners) to get on with it. good times ahead at your place iyam.
  16. brian swanson, the teethy gay reporter from sky who used to do look north
  17. swanson just been on sky sports, saying they are very serious an dhave appointed a management agency to deal with it. they will also bring keegan back apparently
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