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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Mong Alert

    he also said ' i am very impressed with sam' what a fucking knobend, he has slated him at every opportunity
  2. so you just made up the qustions and answers bit then?
  3. we have just done our best bit of business in years. congratulations to the board on getting it right. delighted
  4. Doubt they'll get him, and i'm happy with Allardyce. im delighted with allardyce
  5. wouldnt have tevez in either, he didnt do anything until about february!
  6. lovejoy

    Todays Gossip

    i would sell oba, and get in bent for the £10m or so he is rumoured to be available for.
  7. have to say, big sam used to do my head in! but lawrenson is teh biggest prick of all. closely followed by thompson and le tissier. fucking mongs
  8. Who was his assistant before Sammy Lee? I think he's Hulls manager now (Not 100% sure). phil brown, and yeah he is at hull
  9. i think mike forde will come with him, as well as speed and maybe that bloke from carlisle??? wouldnt be surprised to see sbragia here either. one things for sure, whoever comes with him will be here because they are very good at their job, not because they are his pals
  10. delighted, i was expecting citeh to do us at the last minute
  11. Hypothetical situation: What happens if he says he wants to leave next summer and we're forced to hawk him round for about £4m or risk losing him for nothing? Tbh thats the risk we have to take. I think he'll go for more than £4m even if he only has 1 year left, Liverpool sold him for £8m when he was on his last year (I think) Liverpool sold him for £8m when he was playing quality football. He has had 2 big injuries here, if he has another next season we will be very lucky to get close to that. the £8m thing is exactly why i dont think liverpool will now buy him back for £9m. my tip, if he goes anywhere, he'll go to arsenal
  12. lowes seemed to think it was concussion?? any more news
  13. lovejoy

    'Big' Sam?

    the guy with the tweenies in his avatar says what...................
  14. Owen said in October in an after-dinner speech: "In terms of how long I stay at Newcastle, I'm here as long as everybody wants me. I had four years on my contract when I signed last year, so I would say at least that length of time and then you'd have to ask the chairman for the rest."
  15. sell him and bring in darren bent. owen will be able to do one next summer for even less £ anyway, so let him go now
  16. anal today claims that 'there is a fair chance owen will not be an nufc player at the start of the season'
  17. where does he say martins wants out like?
  18. I agree. But the first thing he should do is get rid of the hopeless jobs for the boys backroom staff, Clark, McDermott etc and get some proven top quality coaches in, not people who are there to shift cones around and tell jokes. i dont think anyone would argue with that. but i think clark will stay, he is fully qualified and will probs still look after the reserves
  19. cant see clarkie going, or nobby, duff, butt and emre for that matter (not this summer anyway!). and for some reason, i would quite like to see luque given a year under sam. dont know about anyone else on here but i think, if he signs, we finally have a manager to trust
  20. bale. barnes, campbell, distin, viduka. wouldnt cost much to get the lot either
  21. lovejoy

    Big Al on Big Sam

    speed will be coming wih him i reckon, as well as ricky sbragia and that 'blue sky' bloke
  22. Because I think he's rubbish. Why would he be me? You quite clearly know i'm not Fraser Forster. So why did you add that line? i think its due to the fact that you used to claim to be him??? in jest of course I joked about it many moons ago tbh. and??? im simply saying thats why dave made the 'if its you...' joke
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