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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. i think there'll be different pairings depending on the opposition, will be nice to have the options.
  2. Caulkin reckons deal is dead atm. I know who I trust. His comment was: "Told that #Nufc submitted two new bids for players today. Knockaert not one of them - "that's not happening." We'll see." He hasn't said the deal is dead, just that we weren't bidding at the time of asking plus "we'll see" implies that he wouldn't be surprised if we were still moving ahead with that deal despite keeping quiet. He's said tonight he's been told it's dead, tbf.
  3. Exactly. People recognise he's young, hard-working and wants to do well, and as a result want to give him a chance to do so. 'hero worship' ffs.
  4. lovejoy


    They've upgraded on allardyce, no doubt about it.
  5. lovejoy


    Moyes is a good appointment. Certainly better than allardyce.
  6. never seen him, no idea if he's good or not. If he's good enough for Rafa, he'll do for me.
  7. Because he has significantly greater footballing ability than Sissoko? Double figures in his first season with the shittest club in the league vs zero figures for Sissoko. I'd bin Sissoko first as well tbh. Not that I think Sissoko will even be back, he'll go missing if there's no deal agreed soon imo. yep, agree with all of this.
  8. He'll go, but fancy us to get £25m or so.
  9. lovejoy


    Have they got any money? Moyes would be mental to go in there if not.
  10. He hadn't won it when they appointed him.
  11. Good. Hope he gets it. They can be shown up together (him and the fa).
  12. I'm more likely to start hating myself, for saying 'omg', to be honest.
  13. What's your opinion on Ritchie based on? Genuine question btw, you seen a lot of him? What I've seen and read about him, not geet loads but then again I don't support Bournemouth - probably similar to anyelse who watches the Premiership fairly regularly. Am I not allowed to think that, were we still in the Prem, we wouldn't be buying him for £10-12m or something because I'm not a scout, and I haven't been monitoring him since he was at Pompy Yoof? As I said I hope he turns out to be the best winger ever, I'm just saying there's no chance we'd be paying that for him if we'd stayed up. We really only have 1 chance to come up though (if we're to keep Rafa) we cannot afford to gamble with bairns or forrins, we need players who've proven themselves in English football - you're always going to pay a premium on that. Dont be so touchy man, was genuinely interested to know. I know nowt about him, other than what I've read on here. Agree with the rest of the post. Let's just hope he's as good as they fee suggests, let's agree on that. Sorry mate Just seemed like what I'd said originally had been blown way out of proportion a bit is all. As a Championship player he seems a great signing, I'm just looking at 10-12m, along with whatever else we spend, and the TV money we lose out on, and feel bad about what we could be doing in the Prem with Rafa. The silver lining is that players like Ritchie and whoever else we sign will add some meat to our squad if we come back up, something we've lacked for about a decade. Maybe even a bit of fight in them. Nee bother mate, get what you mean.
  14. What's your opinion on Ritchie based on? Genuine question btw, you seen a lot of him? What I've seen and read about him, not geet loads but then again I don't support Bournemouth - probably similar to anyelse who watches the Premiership fairly regularly. Am I not allowed to think that, were we still in the Prem, we wouldn't be buying him for £10-12m or something because I'm not a scout, and I haven't been monitoring him since he was at Pompy Yoof? As I said I hope he turns out to be the best winger ever, I'm just saying there's no chance we'd be paying that for him if we'd stayed up. We really only have 1 chance to come up though (if we're to keep Rafa) we cannot afford to gamble with bairns or forrins, we need players who've proven themselves in English football - you're always going to pay a premium on that. Dont be so touchy man, was genuinely interested to know. I know nowt about him, other than what I've read on here. Agree with the rest of the post. Let's just hope he's as good as they fee suggests, let's agree on that.
  15. What's your opinion on Ritchie based on? Genuine question btw, you seen a lot of him?
  16. Nothing over the top about him being worth the fee we paid, tbh, which is all I'm saying. Agreed on Ritchie, but let's not go overboard, let's just hope he's worth the fee we pay. That'll do.
  17. I've just seen his goal against the mackems btw. Nice, very nice.
  18. I don't disagree on the penny pinching has cost us point, it's bang on, it absolutely has. My point on Ritchie stands though, townsend proved us all clueless. I'll reserve judgement on Ritchie until I've seen him. (how many times you seen him play by the way?) What I probably should have said at the start is, I agree on the penny pinching costing us point, but I hope you're as wrong about Ritchie as you were about townsend. That's probably a better way of putting it.
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