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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Papiss Cissé

    This is basically how I feel.
  2. Maybe we should request that opposition players don't tackle him or get in his face and then he might play better? It's clear you have an agenda against him. My only agenda is that he's been here 4 years and played about 4/5 good games in that time. Shelvey's been here 2 months and has done more in that time than Anita has in those 4 years. agree mind, the only agenda I have is he's been shit for 99% of his time here.
  3. shite. hopefully him and colback are nowhere near the eleven again this season. saivet must be fucking awful if he cant get in ahead of this lad.
  4. He probably wasn't expecting Mitro to be in there tbf, it all looked a bit confused. No, he shouldn't have been expecting his centre forward to be in the area attacking the ball? He was behind Mitro so should have backed off. Keystone Cops attacking play to go along with the same school of defending we've endured for years. When did you last see Mitro attacking the ball in the penalty area? I still haven't seen it to this day. But yeah does hold the ball up well in useless areas. I'm with you mate, I think he's s****, but we really don't want to see our own players hampering each other in the box. I don't think Mitro's s**** btw, just usually useless around the penalty area. We could probably do with a genuine finisher in the box. you could say that.
  5. Not bringing him in after chelsea could still prove the undoing imo. We'd be far better off now had he been given that extra time (and games obviously).
  6. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    This. I actually thought he'd be decent for us, that didn't exactly work out but good luck to the fella.
  7. Nah - beat the mackems, beat Norwich, beat Palace. Simples. #believe Add villa and Swansea into that and we're safe. Sounds so easy.....
  8. It would be monumental. Im so desperate for us to stay up now, come on you fuckers, do the business!
  9. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Can anyone remember, after a (rare) victory, mcclaren was calling a player to come back and clap the fans and was clearly ignored by him? I'm sure it was a gif?
  10. Suprise isn't it. You can't throw the accusation at him man, the lads been here five minutes and only came because he was desperate to play. He could have lay on the treatment table at Tottenham if he wanted to bottle his way through his career, instead he turned out weekly for their reserves. I have no doubt we have bottlers in the camp, it's incredibly harsh to suggest townsend is one. And we will see. I agree the 5 minutes isn't long enough to judge this in a player. It's just an observation I have and an opinion I am entitled to. We shall see in the future if I was wide of the mark or not. Or hopefully not as hopefully we can be far away from relegation battles now. No worries, i didn't say you weren't entitled to an opinion btw, I'm just not that sure how you formed this one, but yeah, agreed, time will tell if he's up for the fight. Think I'm a huffy bugger at the minute still, I'm sure I'll be my ridiculously optimistic self if we stop up
  11. Suprise isn't it. You can't throw the accusation at him man, the lads been here five minutes and only came because he was desperate to play. He could have lay on the treatment table at Tottenham if he wanted to bottle his way through his career, instead he turned out weekly for their reserves. I have no doubt we have bottlers in the camp, it's incredibly harsh to suggest townsend is one. And we will see. I agree the 5 minutes isn't long enough to judge this in a player. It's just an observation I have and an opinion I am entitled to. We shall see in the future if I was wide of the mark or not. Or hopefully not as hopefully we can be far away from relegation battles now. No worries, i didn't say you weren't entitled to an opinion btw, I'm just not that sure how you formed this one, but yeah, agreed, time will tell if he's up for the fight.
  12. Suprise isn't it. You can't throw the accusation at him man, the lads been here five minutes and only came because he was desperate to play. He could have lay on the treatment table at Tottenham if he wanted to bottle his way through his career, instead he turned out weekly for their reserves. I have no doubt we have bottlers in the camp, it's incredibly harsh to suggest townsend is one.
  13. wonder who his captain will be?
  14. barton on talksport now, saying shearer and dowie had a negative affect when they came in, as opposed to a positive one, he hopes rafa is different.
  15. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    i know, i'll take it on the chin, own fault. £45 up! happy days!
  16. Booted oot hopefully. can't say any of them seem to have done anything positive? Cathro seems highly regarded, as for Black and the rest...adios... yep.
  17. this is fucking mental. A manager who I don't have to reluctantly get behind and try to spin positives about just to make myself feel better. nice change!
  18. wonder what happens to carr now then? guessing rafa wants total control of recruitment?
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