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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. I had been hoping that they would hire someone more crap than Moyes. I think he will do well for them - lower mid table but perhaps free of the relegation zone. Still wouldn't choose Moyes over Rafa though, so I think we are better set.
  2. I like the addition of specific scenarios that require a Red or Yellow card. Judging the level of Dissent and when it's time for a card is always a balancing act between giving the card (and the post match assessment of the decision). Hopefully these specific scenarios bring it more into line with the "removing a shirt in celebration" style definition where the Did they/Didn't they aspect is no longer in doubt. It still needs a great deal of backing up from the league (post game) when the referee correctly cards/dismisses a player. I would like to see the referee mic'd live so that the players (and the ref) are heard on TV. Would soon stop the language/dissent when the clubs get fined by the broadcasters for F*Bombs
  3. [mancrush] what a guy!! [/mancrush] Sings his national anthem with passion, international who sticks with his club when relegated two divisions, brings them back up and wins the league [mancrush] what a guy!! [/mancrush] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. You just know that he's going to be good for them, and probably score against us in a years time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. This is the answer (although the rule is called playing in a dangerous manner) - it places the ball in such s position that it cannot be played legally without risk of injury Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Sissoko has had his moments with some great games, but more often than not he has even underwhelming and has not lived up to expectations. At this point I am ok with him leaving - take the money we can get for him and bring in someone who wants to be here and wants to fight for the team Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Fast forward a season and what would be your predictions for the 2017-18 season: Both Newcastle and Sunderland in the Prem? Newcastle only? Sunderland only? Neither team in the Prem? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Refs are always better when they are not refereeing your team Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Beautiful curled free kick. Right around the wall and then cuts back in leaving the keep no chance. Beautiful!!
  10. Cabaye's penalty kick was one that looks cool and composed if the keeper goes the other way....but Darlow went the right way for a nice save. Fantastic stuff. I thought the actual awarding of the penalty was really poor.....Dean seemed to be the only person in the stadium who thought it hit the hand. No big appeal from Palace. Seemed to be a call that Dean didn't need to make (especially as he then ignored other fouls later). That type of call (when no one else sees it/calls for it are the ones that change the game unnecessarily. Good on Darlow for making the save.
  11. And yet, he will be the first to roll around in agony when a tackle (that should have been mitigated by the shin pads) crunches him in an exposed area.
  12. Shirty McShirtFace and the Banana Splits
  13. I wish he had been in Debut form not MOTM form for this game
  14. Yeah, Mitrovic was about to go ballistic and then remembered to control himself. Great effort. And yet, his earlier reputation about being a hot-head still remains.
  15. This is why I hate Colback as a player - he doesn't move into positions to be able to accept a pass and do something with it - he just stands there and if the ball is passed forward to him by the defense, then his first reaction is to immediately play it right back to the same player. Pointless. Compare that with the better teams who receive the ball without standing back-to-goal, and who are working to move into position to receive the pass or to receive the next pass from the first guy. We are so static.
  16. There must always be one player designated to be the keeper (I.e. The one who can use there hands within their penalty area) but that does not mean that they cannot play elsewhere. Nothing to stop them coming up for a corner. Any active player can swap to be the keeper by changing into the keeper jersey but they MUST advise the referee they are doing so. The act of changing jerseys does not qualify as "advising" other referee. Technically any player could change positions with the initially designated keeper for a penalty kick, and then change back. As long as the referee is advised of each change.
  17. I liked the idea of Remy alongside/instead of Mitrovich as they are different types of players. One a center forward type, and the other a more mobile attacking striker. I have a feeling that Gomis and Mitrovich are too similar and either won't complement each other or will offer nothing different if we need to change the way we are playing.
  18. Donated - Thanks for keeping this site as great as it is (even if the team is shite )
  19. Someone must be designated as the GK (the one wearing the funny coloured shirt). Doesn't have to play in goal specifically, but someone must be designated as the GK so that the referee knows who can use their hands in the Penalty Area.
  20. This time next season everyone will think that the linked-hands-team-celebration is cool, and the bin dippers will be telling everyone how they invented it and it spread to Germany during one of those fantastic European nights at Anfield
  21. I just realized that is a Piggy-Piggyback
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