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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. agreed. I remember at the beginning though he looked a bit dodgy, and one commentator said he was more like Steve Bruce on rollerskates bluebiggrin.gif
  2. it's started! Zulte vs.....TOON!
  3. have to say I know nowt about this Edgar fella.....is he a centre back? full back?
  4. have to remember that people on here base their opinions on playing Championship Manager/FM you know Thanks for putting the record straight
  5. Jose praises magpies Jose Mourinho was full of praise for Newcastle's defence following Chelsea's slender 1-0 win over The Magpies. Glenn Roeder's charges have not been known for their resolute defending this term, but kept out the champions for 74 minutes at Stamford Bridge. Substitute Didier Drogba's close-range finish finally broke the deadlock, but that did not stop Mourinho heaping praise on Newcastle. "The easiest thing to do in football is to defend and Newcastle did it very, very well," stated Mourinho. "I think (Steven) Taylor had a great game. They are the team that can defend and they were dangerous with Martins in attack. "We didn't play very well. When I did the last change (Andrei Shevchenko for Geremi) I knew I could lose the game. "I'm not chasing an unbeatable record at home. A point at home is not good for the championship. "I gambled a bit, but we scored the goal. We should have scored the second goal and killed the game. "I'm happy because normally in these matches when you're not playing well you can lose points. The team was mentally strong enough to deserve the points."
  6. well Duff is back I suppose, and O'Brien might get a chance on the left wing too.....supposedly the quickest player at the club(?)
  7. according to the BBC site, Zoggy's injury was serious so I don't know how some of youse expect to see him back for Sat
  8. Defo wonna avoid PSV, prefer to avoid Feye they've both been pretty awful this season in their respective leagues, esp PSG. I wouldn't fear facing either tbh
  9. Get in there Eintracht Frankfurt winning 0-2 in Istanbul! EDIT: Now 1-2
  10. I really doubt Andersson, Tomasson, Terrier, Georgiadis and co would have came good had that muppet stayed in charge longer, the football was dire to watch too
  11. Dalglish! ffs, he only needed to buy 2 decent centre backs and we might have stayed up there and continued to fight for the title, not rocket science. The tw@t dismantled a perfectly good team bluesigh.gif
  12. I can cetainly remember him in the waffa cup run he had in 97 when he tore us apart on the left wing.....as for being famous.....I remember a couple big clubs wanted to sign him from Monaco (prior) to Juve in 97....in particular that carry on when Real Madrid agreed a contract/terms in 1996 but was later voided by UEFA or something. Oh, and I did play Champ Man in 96 and he was canny player in that game
  13. Roeder: "I am not interested in bringing Jonathan Woodgate, Sylvain Distin or Zat Knight to Newcastle United." http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/chroniclesport/tm_headline=roeder-on-red-alert-for-crouch%26method=full%26objectid=18250247%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  14. LooneyToonArmy

    Butt Out?

    looks like Clarky might have to put his boots on again
  15. not sure if any of youse saw this in the Chronicle the other day re Eintracht Frankfurt away.......a minority of wor lot brawling with fans and racist abuse against a Turkish person on the train on the way to the game.....fkin disgrace :roll: http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/chroniclelive/eveningchronicle/tm_headline=soccer-shame-of-yobs%26method=full%26objectid=18236633%26siteid=50081-name_page.html if any of you recognise them i hope you report the scum
  16. I hope it doesn't become a trademark. I'm not religious and never will be, I don't hold anything against people who are religious but personally i don't want their beliefs interfering with my life. Emre is a muslim and I respect that but i don't want to watch him worship on a newcastle united pitch, i think it is unappropriate to brings personal beliefs into football. Just my thoughts. you wouldn't want AC Milan's Kaka here then
  17. from the Sunday Sun = therefore absolute shyte
  18. Robert has been dropped by the Levante coach for saying he wants to return to the Toon bluebiggrin.gif http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,1780_1763573,00.html
  19. Most of them look like blokes anyway
  20. Chron today Roeder says reports that United have agreed a £2.5m fee with Zenit St Petersburg for their striker Alexander Kerzhakov are "complete rubbish".
  21. A good read that, I liked these ones. About Killer Kilcline getting his hair cut and decking Fazackerly bluebiggrin.gif Brian "Killer" Kilcline who had also played in all the pre-season friendlies. Bez recalls that one thing you didn't do with Killer was touch his pride and joy... his hair.... "We were in Cyprus celebrating promotion and most of us had been on the drink for something like 24 hours after the Leicester 7-1 game. We'd been on the beach all day and Killer came back glowing, having fair skin and ginger hair. A lot of us grabbed a few hours kip before going back out again that night but a few of the lads had a couple more drinks in the hotel bar. Derek Fazackerley, John Murray and Barry Venison are the ones I can remember but there were one or two others as well. Not me.... Killer was wrecked and was about to pass out on the bar. Venners said for a joke that they should cut a bit of his hair off and see if he wakes up. "Well, Killer duly passed out and a pair of scissors appeared. A little bit was snipped and Killer didn't move. A little bit more followed, still nothing. And then half of his pony tale had gone - the other half still long. This looked a bit strange so all of it disappeared. Still Killer slept. Then they started on his moustache and that went. They left him slumped on the bar with bits of hair in his drink and scattered all around so that he would know what had happened when he woke. "Eventually he did wake and he was absolutely fuming. Apparently it was like a volcano erupting. He started smashing the place up and the barman legged it, petrified. David Kelly knocked my door asking if I'd go and have a word and try and calm him down, as I'd got on well with Killer that year. 'You must be bloody joking!' I said, 'I'm going nowhere near him until he's sobered up a bit more! Eventually Derek Fazackerley went out to see him and had barely got a word or two out before Killer smacked him one. To be fair, Faz took it and thought he'd deserved it but the whole incident ruined the rest of the holiday. Killer never forgave those involved, although he thought the whole team was in on it, which they weren't. "He ended up shaving off his moustache and having all his hair levelled - leaving him with this massive ginger bob. It actually made him look a lot younger but it became like the Basil Fawlty sketch - "don't mention the hair, I mentioned it once and I think I got away with it....". However, on the plane back we linked up with some of the other lads who had gone to a different resort and they couldn't help but notice. Not only did it spoil the holiday but things were never the same with Killer and he left in the January, which was a shame." 1995/96 (H) Won 2-1 (Lee, Beardsley) During the Keegan era, the staff and players had a five press ups forfeit for any mistakes made, which started to be taken to extremes..... "We scored two in two minutes to turn round the game and towards the end the ref blew for a throw in. Keegan celebrated thinking we'd won and then did five press-ups when he realised what he'd done "When Keegan did the five press-ups towards the end of the game we were in stitches. After that, it started to get a bit daft and any time anyone said anything slightly wrong they had to drop and give five. It got to the stage where KK would spend most of his teamtalks doing press-ups so we had to call a truce eventually. It showed how good team spirit was at the time, though."
  22. the 27 cap Argentine Intl we had, Senor Bassedas
  23. Anyone here what the L'Pool fans sang about him? 'You're just a $hit Steven Gerrard, la la la'
  24. it's a good thing that our players have never been involved in anything like that, right?
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