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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. those player of the year awards are an absolute joke half the time. The deserved winners rarely win and the requirements are usually to be either of Brazilian nationality,have protruding teeth and be an attacking player and it's far too biased. There have been plenty more defenders over the years that have been more deserving of the award but as well all know FIFA are a joke, and their awards are therefore usually a joke.
  2. would prefer Gerrard too, Ronaldinho just goes missing in many games for Barca (according to Barca fans) and has played very under par on many occasions this season...although it looks like he's picking up in recent games! Nice goal at the weekend
  3. have the next fixtures been pre-determined? ie: Group H winners vs Group (?) 3rd placed team etc
  4. Borowski is German born. As for Klose, he is as much German as Polish ethnically. His father is a member of Poland's ethnic German minority. But ethnicity aside came to Germany young and grew up there and have German citizenship so are Germans, even if he is Polish born
  5. not biased at all Bilic, Suker and Stimac were very good IMO, and Asanovic did quite well at Derby. Of course you can;'t expect positive things being said about Croats coming from a Serb...... Even Biscan wasn't that terrible. He's right about Maric, though. forgot to mention Jarni (didnt even play a game for Coventry), Stanic (what a goal against the Mackems), Strupar, Zivkovic, Prosinecki ,Vucko, Mornar (Portsmouth) can't think of many Serbs, just Ilic and Milosevic, and they were shyte!
  6. not biased at all Bilic, Suker and Stimac were very good IMO, and Asanovic did quite well at Derby. Of course you can;'t expect positive things being said about Croats coming from a Serb......
  7. don't understand why Oriental are leading 2nd in the poll, there haven't been many. Lie Tie, Seol, Sun Jihai , Ji Sung Park and Lee (Spurs) have done okay,Nakata wasn't anything special I have to say(average at best) but he had lost his motivation why is why he retired the next season. How many can you mention that have failed miserably?maybe that other bloke they had at Everton yes I guess picking Oriental is the 'easy/lazy option' if you're unsure though :roll:
  8. I think they've done okay with exceptions, I can think of other nationalities that have failed more on the whole Crespo had a excellent goal ratio, Juninho outstanding for Boro in his short spell there, Edu in the last 2 seasons he had at Arsenal, Gilberto has done okay as well. I don't think you can judge Tevez and Mascherano just yet though. Gustavo Poyet was a big success also, as Solano,Acuna was underrated, then we've had Bassedas, Gavilan,Cordone and Fumaca ,but remember who bought them? Mick Wadsworth Forgot to mention Silvinho was great too However IMO the TOP CLASS south americans are bought by the italian and spanish league teams, EPL tend to buy the average ones so it's not surprise we see less successful south americans in that respect, we rarely buy the good ones
  9. it's from the journal so likely to be a load of bollox
  10. LooneyToonArmy


    I'd have Zannetti ahead of Neville, and perhaps Bergomi of Inter as well
  11. almost mentioned Craig Ramage played for us too
  12. And Carr is Sir Les in the air! Sarcasm at its best This thread should change to ..10 reasons why Carr shouldn't play RB I think we can think of more reasons than that.....there would be pages and pages of reasons
  13. It didn't stop the commentator putting emphasis on the 'London born Steven Taylor'
  14. I agree, I think against Spanish/Italian/International football he's fine there, but in the more physical EPL not so. Saying that he can't be worse than Carr
  15. LooneyToonArmy


    Quite frankly the quality of right backs in the EPL has been pretty shyte IMO so can't blame people that much for having to pick Gary Chuckle
  16. our lot (for youse lazy bassas) http://www.craigcullen.co.uk/asp/club85.asp?club=Newcastle
  17. selectable by division, team, sticker type, hair style and facial hair http://www.craigcullen.co.uk/ our one brings back some memories bluebiggrin.gif
  18. surprised in a way that Roeder is 'after him' as I was expecting him to go after a more physical target man type of player anyway Roeder will need to scout him for the next year or 2 before making a decision ala Kuyt
  19. Christoph Daum has been appointed coach of Bundesliga Zwei outfit Cologne just days after rejecting the club's initial offer. The Goats revealed his change of heart immediately after their 2-1 home defeat to 1860 Munich on Sunday. Daum, who is currently recovering from a neck operation in Cologne, will start work in December after putting pen-to-paper on a four-year deal. "After my operation Cologne needed a quick decision. I was not feeling very good and so I said 'no'", Daum told Express. "But last week I rang Cologne's general manager Michael Maier to congratulate him on his birthday and he told me that the door was still open for me at the club despite my decision. "That got me thinking and I eventually decided to follow my heart. "I'm really looking forward to the challenge. Cologne is a club with huge potential." Daum made his name as a coach during a successful four-year stint with Cologne between 1986 and 1990 and is still revered by the club's fans. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=429897&CPID=22&clid=&lid=9&title=Daum+returns+to+Cologne
  20. But you can see Kompany coming? :? not a chance, he just joined Hamburg a few months ago so I don't think his club will be looking to offload him already and besides.....he's injured for the next 4 months
  21. also his team mate Manuel Friedrich, looks a really promising defender at FSV Mainz. I guess he's still unknown to non German league followers but has had recent call ups to the national team
  22. did i drop my care card around here soimewhere? I believe so, your old age is making you forget how to spell as well
  23. Fernandao - Cruzeiro Danilo - Sao Paulo Rodrigo Palacio - Boca Juniors Fernando Belluschi - River Plate Gonzalo Higuain - River Plate maybe the latter few are more 'known'
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