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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. LooneyToonArmy


    Like Boumsong to begin with
  2. Well Ive noticed a remarkable thing. You english lads only make riots in other countries. In you own country you can walk along with the opponent ( most of the time), In Holland the hooligans demolish there own cities. And when abroad were the most friendly country in the world. Like Feyenoord fans in France recently and consequently getting thrown out the UEFA Cup?
  3. If we manage to sign Curtis Davies or Anton Ferdinand in the summer i will release him otherwise maybe i'll keep him because we'll have to play Peter Damage(Garbage)and thats even worse Davies maybe but not Anton, he's Bambi mark II
  4. Except that even when Zog is back, Roeder'll still make Duff first pick. Still holding out some faint hope that Duff will remember how to play, but want to see Zog return as well. Charlie was pretty poor before his injury, 2nd season (or whatever) syndrome maybe, but he still done far better than Duff
  5. so some of youse still want that shower of shite Bambi to stay and be offered a new contract? christ
  6. LooneyToonArmy


    did well and BBC match report says Onyewu was enjoying an impressive introduction to the Premiership - providing the Magpies defence with some much-needed steel and a cool head to boot.
  7. funny how we find our creative spark when Solano comes on fks sake Glenn
  8. will never vote Labour esp if that twat Gordon Brown is in charge.
  9. if he had been given the same number of chances as Shola I'm sure he would've scored more goals it's all ifs and buts though. Hope he proves the doubters wrong
  10. They have alot of this in Germany too and the atmosphere is better than the so called 'best atmosphere in the world' you get over here rubbish. EPL is overrated in this respect
  11. always laugh at names like Taylor Twellman and Clint Dempsey
  12. Fulham don't concede many goals at home though (9 goals in 12 games) so they are a danger still.........hope Gooch stops us all from having panic attacks when we have corners given against us
  13. Go for it Gooch - Albert Feb 2 2007 By Lee Ryder, The Evening Chronicle Philippe albert today urged new Newcastle United defender Oguchi Onyewu to grasp his chance in a black-and-white shirt as the American international looks to make his debut at Fulham. Toon legend Albert will have a keen eye on the clash at Craven Cottage as his two old clubs lock horns in the capital, and will also run the rule over the man nicknamed Gooch. Former Belgian international Albert knows all about the Washington DC-born defender after watching him star in the Jupiler League in his native Belgium. Albert told the Chronicle: "I know him well - he has played over in Belgium for a while now and he has had some really good Press. "He has looked impressive but I think he will have a really good test ahead of him in the remaining games of the season for Newcastle. "He has to show he is capable of life in the Premiership because, trust me, it is not an easy transition. "But as an international player for the United States he knows that you have to adapt in different games. "For me the Belgian League is a much lower standard than the Premiership but now Onyewu has to make that step up." Albert made over 100 Premiership appearances for United in a five-year period on Tyneside many regard as the best in the club's modern history. The Belgian ace is a regular visitor to St James' Park as a TV pundit, with the former Toon hero balancing his work as a market trader in his native Belgium. And the former Cottager admits he has been impressed by the United defence in recent weeks before the arrival of Gooch. He added: "The kids have all done well when they have come in. David Edgar and Paul Huntington have been thrown in at the deep end and they have responded in the right fashion. "That's how you get your chance sometimes and I think they have made the step up really well. "Now Onyewu has to follow suit and show us his quality." United go into the game at Fulham on the day of Glenn Roeder's first anniversary as boss, and Albert is confident they can mark it in style. He added: "I will be watching the TV screen for the latest score. "It should be a difficult game, but one I think Newcastle can win. But even a point isn't a bad result." http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/news/tm_headline=go-for-it-gooch-%2D-albert%26method=full%26objectid=18565793%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  14. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-04/14/xin_010402141016119172865.jpg http://www.elpais.com/elpaismedia/ultimahora/media/200504/13/deportes/20050413elpepudep_1_I_LCO.jpg http://i5.tinypic.com/2eykxom.jpg
  15. Did Standard Liege/Gooch play in the UEFA Cup this season? not sure if he's cup tied
  16. lets hope he has a brain unlike Bambi
  17. Bramble has to go, I hope we don't offer this donkey another contract extension, he's just too inconsistent and NOT GOOD ENOUGH. He's not good enough to get into most EPL teams so we should not be offering him a new 5 year deal.we'll never learn. Can't believe some want him to get a new contract, he hasnt improved in the 4 or 5 years that he's been here and STILL makes the same mistakes over and over again Lets get some proper defenders in for once
  18. fkin tit this bloke is http://www.yanks-abroad.com/content.php?mode=extratime&id=2695
  19. was that not Fulham? Apparently it was a load of rubbish about the medical results, just that Fulham had changed their minds. He then went onto sign for another club passing a medical no problem
  20. agreed about Carew. Was excellent last night and was relieved to see him come off, as I'm sure Bambi was.
  21. no thanks, he has no appetite for the game any more IMO other than when he has a Liverpool shirt on
  22. And your reason for saying all this is...? Still yet to see a decent counter arguement that doesnt involve "ROFL YOURE A MACKEM" or "omg shearer mistake? wtf??", other than "Ferdinand was getting old and getting injury prone". To which ive replied about getting quality in that didnt require us to break the bank - Stoichkov was desperate to come to us, at a time when the Premiership was shiite and easy pickings for forwards with great technique, eg Zola who moved to Chelsea in the same summer and prolonged his playing career purely because of technique and intelligence on the ball. On top of this, I think the "Ferdinand became injury prone" arguements are purely ones made in hindsight - he scored more goals than Shearer the season they played together iirc, at the time we signed Shearer these problems hadnt surfaced at all. Easy to look back now and say "yeah, Ferdinand's career was nearing an end", but that wasnt the case when we splashed out a world record 15mill - we signed Shearer irrespective of Ferdinand. To win trophies and stay at the top, we had the firepower, we had the midfield, but not the defence or the keeper. Whats the logical thing to do? Blow EVERYTHING on one centreforward? Call me what you want out of your own ignorance and blind faith, not only do the facts speak for themselves - no trophies, plummiting down the table, squad torn apart, following summer spent 7mill sold 16mill, etc etc - but so do "silly" things like common sense and logic. We signed Shearer to partner Ferdinand, and they were unreal playing together. Ferdinand's performance was increased tenfold by Shearer's signing. Shearer's workrate when he was 26ish when we signed him, running the flanks, holding up play, and generally dominating the field as a model centre forward created masses of space and I would guess a fair few of Ferdinand's goals were from Shearer's crossing running onto balls down the flank. I'm trying to remove myself from the model response you think is along the lines of "lol WTF Shearer is the best".... However, if you think 15million pounds is not worth the years of service and goals, you're either 12 or you need you heed looking at. Just remember we signed shearer on the back of Euro 96 golden boot winner, and was wideley regarded as the best centre forward in the world. 15 millions was a snip. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I have to say I (and the majority of supporters old enough to remember) would have to completely disagree with everything you're saying. I don't think people are saying he was not worth it, he was well and truly worth every penny as has been proven......but another attacker I don't think was a top priority that was needed at the time, at least IMO Well maybe wasn't top priority in terms of position but if you think he was worth it surely this answer the initial question of the thread does it not? yes, but if we'd have signed some top class defenders and strenghtened the area where we needed most we might (I know it's all ifs and buts) I'm sure have won some titles/silverware. I would have preferred that than 9 further trophyless years
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