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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Why? People want to talk about it, if you don't them don't click the thread, pretty simple like. Edit: Just checked some of your old posts and you seem to be a serial thread closer advocate, chill out dude lol
  2. Really weird that, wonder if we even tried to buy this kid, can't see them taking a loan with an 'option' over a guaranteed sale.
  3. Can't help but think he was poorly advised, hes not getting much gametime there, can see him being loaned out for 2 or 3 seasons before fading into insignificance, good luck to the lad anyway he clearly wasn't interested in joining us.
  4. Comical that they're so pissed off about us. Personally couldn't care about Sunderland, either the place or the team, they're irrelevant.
  5. Numbers


    Imagine putting that much effort in man, fucking hell. Hopefully the bloke talking to him is telling him to re-evaluate his life prioritys. Also what the fuck is "Great annual savings"? Does Martin Lewis sponser them now?
  6. Great news, sounds like its down to accounting on Lilles side.
  7. Kiss my arse, it was a question not knicker wetting. You an expert by the way?
  8. Err what does that mean, sounds like potentially a medical issue?
  9. So does this mean I will be able to order an iphone charging cable from Noon then?
  10. Not surprising, Football reeks of corruption. Protect the elite at all costs, it stinks.
  11. Was just thinking that, must be pretty weird for him
  12. Did I come in half way through a conversation?
  13. Its possible Burnsie is 25000 of his followers.
  14. Numbers


    Thick as a castle wall.
  15. Numbers


    Imagine trying to round up a group to attack an artist at a music festival man, despite it being fucking embarassing it's not going to go well.
  16. Can't stand the obnoxious fucker .
  17. Is it feasible that its been donated to the Conservatives?
  18. Agent seems like a cunt, there needs to be some kind of regulation for them, if a fee and terms have been agreed theres no way an agent should be able to stall the deal. Edit: If the reports are true.
  19. Aye, hope the donations include all the interest accrued. Maybe time to start asking the 'Gaurdians' ?
  20. Thought I had stumbled into the Sportwashing thread, had to check title.
  21. Numbers


    I've got 8 poond in bitcoin can I help this over the line?
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