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Everything posted by Delima

  1. He is a powerful beast, but he lacks agility and he does not offer leadership. He is a very good defender in the Championship but he had proven not to be Premiership quality. It was a good business for Watford to sign Shittu. They got a potentially premiership quality defender who doesn't cost much. And when he was found out he would still be a very good Championship defender.
  2. Delima

    Ryan Donaldson

    Have a word woth yourself instead of ths childish comment.
  3. Delima

    Ryan Donaldson

    Xavi, Iniesta, Ronaldinho Casillas, Ramos, Raul, Robinho, Sneijder Neville, Ferdinand, Brown, Ronaldo, Anderson, Rooney, Nani, Scholes
  4. Delima

    Ryan Donaldson

    I agree with what you said about Portillo. But for every Portillo there are many other Rooneys, Messis.
  5. I honestly think you have done great KD. Gilberto for 1.5, Defoe for 9. Good business there.
  6. I don't know. I thought Stokes use far more than 3 loan players. I am probably wrong though.
  7. Glenn Roeder has done very very well in this transfer window.
  8. NE5 will be absolutely seething now that a DOF system is in place for the club he "supports". But I think he has secretly withdrawn his support after Shepherd was sacked. Waiting for a post full of smilies claiming I am bla bla bla.
  9. We were once in the same bracket with Liverpool. Liverpool went for Benitez, we went for Souness.
  10. 2.1 Harewood costs a few millions - not big waste but this definitely does not qualify as shwred business 2.2 You maybe right. 2.3 You maybe wrong. 2.4 You are right but still not oustanding for his transfer cost. 2.5 You are right. 2.6 You forgot Carson who is definitely a shrewd buy. 2.7 In conclusion you are probably Martin O'Neill could be classified as a shrewd transfer operator in overall.
  11. Well fine, take out the "this is indisputable" then. 1. James Milner is better than Wayne Routledge. It is obvious to me. 2. Martin O'Neill is not very shrewd in the sense of spend little gain big. Harewood, Knight. Young is not cheap, Davies is not cheap.
  12. Very unfair to Steve McLaren. During the Croatia game, McLaren refused to go defensive when he knew a draw was enough. At 2-2 he still refused to protect the score. Not trying to defend McLaren, but he played the populist card as usual and it backfired terribly.
  13. I don't know if you are joking but I will answer as if you seriously mean it 1. James Milner is better than Wayne Routledge. This is indisputable. 2. Martin O'Neill is not very shrewd in the sense of spend little gain big. Harewood, Knight. Young is not cheap, Davies is not cheap.
  14. Some background studies on youtube Los 8 goles de Alvaro Maior Rueda de prensa Alvaro 11/12/07 Sevilla FC 4 - 0 Levante UD (1ª jornada Liga 2006/07) - Northern Monkey will be absolutely seething if he sees the first goal conceded. Somone said he is Bramble-esque, I think he is right
  15. Perhaps he could play ball playing defensive midfielder - with his Brazillian football education and his centre back defensive background.
  16. Why would Villa want Routledge? Experienced no improvement at all in Spurs, and not exactly very young still.
  17. One can make physical difference of different peoples easily - different skin colours, hair colours etc. But why classify people based on skin colours, and not say length of penis, diameter of pussy, depth of arseholes? Of course you are a racist person who indulges in classifying people by skin colour first and foremost. There could be many reasons why best quarterbacks are supposedly white - The coaches are racist and take easy assumption that whites are intellectually superior - Blacks are physically more fit so they are play more physical positions, so that an advantage could be gained. And while the best blacks play in physical positions, so the white play in less physical demanding positions. - The population of white is bigger thant the population of blacks in America Just take a look at some greatest footballers in the history: - Pele - black - Ronaldinho - black - Weah - black It is plain stupididity to use an all time top 10 quarter back list to suggest that blacks are inherently stupidier. Just look at football, the reason we all are here, and you will know your racist view would not stand. Yet you cherrypick figures to back your opinion - if you are not racist then what are you? Ignorant? You are a racist and I am glad you acknowledge it. You should be banned.
  18. You say you are not sure about the cerebral thing as a fact, so this can't be a fact to you. So Shaks makes a false generalisation that blacks are more lacking in intellectual compartment - surely he can be classed as a racist scum?
  19. Optomystyc Knight what are you trying to say? You say you don't think blacks are genetically stupidier than whiteman, then only to proceed to say that if you had say so you mean blacks in general. So do you really NOT think that blacks are genetically stupidier? If you don't think blacks are genetically stupidier than whites then why do you say you think Shak has a point, which is the racist view that blacks are inherently more lacking in intellectual department? Don't forget previously you also said that you think it is many times more difficult to judge the intellectual capacity of a man. If you want to suggest someone a fucking idiot at least write some coherent post.
  20. Racist. mackems.gif I like how he's gone to so much trouble to make it look like he's not just saying that. Thid
  21. I think it is another way, our multitude of complex are staggering: 1. We don't give a fook about Middlesbrough yet they are so jealous of us 2. Spurs have inferiority complex against us 3. The national press hav a hidden agenda against Newcastle bla bla bla and now I have Gejon!!
  22. We rejected him. Doubt it. Roeder was dithering, due to his fitness record etc.
  23. no doubt some ITK will claim we are paying 7m cash upfront and they were offering £3.50p upfront and the rest based on how many times he breaths in the next 10 years Both ridiculous and shortsighted comments. Spurs have a rigid wage structure - we all know that. If Spurs are paying 8M transfer fee, and we are paying 7M transfer fee, yet Spurs are paying 50k per week wage, and we match Woodgate's current pay 70k per week - within a year our expenditure on Woodgate would have matched Spurs, and after a year we would start paying 20k more per week than Spurs. What is there to laugh at Spurs if we are getting Woodgate on the basis of paying more money?
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