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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    Joey Barton

    Reluctantly I say keep. Doesn't mean you have to like him.
  2. Like crack but more dangerous to your health. Love the togs Marley.
  3. Not going to post links obviously, but they'll find it if they know where to look.
  4. abcdefg

    RIP sale thread.

    Poke is a term for money. In what realm? In 1960s British gangster films.
  5. abcdefg

    Radio 5 Live

    heh, within 15 years all clubs will be owned by supporters. We're not that delusional.
  6. abcdefg

    Radio 5 Live

    Plus he's living la vida loca.
  7. abcdefg

    Radio 5 Live

    I give it 15 minutes until I'm violently annoyed.
  8. Joe added that he'd just been on the phone to Gordon Brown with an eye to making him the new Foreign Secretary.
  9. That's my thoughts, I think reality left him long ago.
  10. Monday, 10:35, BBC1, in case you're not watching the local news.
  11. heh, I like that, whoever said it.
  12. Save the cash and give it to his charity. Just a suggestion. Yeah I imagined I would get this response, but I was planning on getting a shirt anyway. I can budget for both. 2009 then? I suppose you'd need smaller numbers like.
  13. Save the cash and give it to his charity. Just a suggestion.
  14. tbf only the thread originator said anything remotely bad, for the most part the SMB has been full of praise for Sir Bobby, and rightly so. tbh I don't think the topic starter intended that, more saying "if you're going to say it, do it here rather than in the respectful threads" No, respect to the mackems today.
  15. Just in case nobody's posted it yet http://www.justgiving.com/TheSirBobbyRobsonFoundation/
  16. "Maybe not goodbye, but farewell."
  17. Today I'm leaning more towards not bothering, not out of any principle, I just think I'd be slightly happier sitting around in my pants doing fuck all.
  18. A very definite dunno, probably just see how I feel then, and who else wants to go or not.
  19. abcdefg

    Plastic Geordies

    Not at all, that requires tireless dedication, and possibly slight madness
  20. A slap in the face. No seriously, who's been slapping Bruce about the face? That's not on.
  21. abcdefg

    RIP sale thread.

    I think we realised we couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery let alone take over a football club.
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