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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. There will be two enemies at SJP today, but only one of them is destroying our club. So what do you suggest? Back the team and give Ashley a hard time. Having put the entire squad up for sale last August won’t have endeared the fat man to the players, and they were complaining for ages about not having a clue what was going on. They’re unlikely to get upset if the owner gets some abuse. Why do you think Ashley choose this game to rear his ugly head? I hope you're in the tiny minority today, this is not the day for protests, do it at the next game if you like, not today.
  2. There will be two enemies at SJP today, but only one of them is destroying our club. So what do you suggest?
  3. I see. The Ashley apologists have been slagging off supporters who want the ‘cockney mafia out’ all season. Now the reality of the fat man’s gross incompetence is starting to bite you want us all to be ‘united’. You're quite right, we should just bicker amongst ourselves, what is he thinking?
  4. Milburn/Gallowgate corner. We must all hate ourselves Cali.
  5. There's nothing to talk about in the summer, he can just walk. How do you work that out? he's still got 2 years on his contract still, the club could just refuse tbh Oh right, just ignore my confusion *saunters off*
  6. There's nothing to talk about in the summer, he can just walk.
  7. I'd only care if we were anywhere near them.
  8. Yeah, too right. Slightly off-topic, does anybody know which pubs are bucking police warnings and opening early?
  9. Should be an easy game for Harper to slip back into the squad then...
  10. Go to all home games....well OK, I missed the Hull second leg because I couldn't be bothered. Other than that any way I can watch or listen, pub's always better than some dodgy stream (which of course we don't discuss). Radio Newcastle coverage gets right on my nips.
  11. Because its the reason for the subject of the thread ? The club was sold. That happened, it's not going to change, and whatever anyone thought of the previous owners the club was sold for business reasons, whining on every day about anyone who wasn't happy with Fred and the Halls is futile. Pointing out the demise of the club since the sale isn't relevant then ? All it is is finger-waving at people who had no part in the sale. The clock cannot be turned back. Get over it.
  12. Because its the reason for the subject of the thread ? The club was sold. That happened, it's not going to change, and whatever anyone thought of the previous owners the club was sold for business reasons, whining on every day about anyone who wasn't happy with Fred and the Halls is futile.
  13. Dear God, what's the point of arguing about previous owners? Every day.
  14. I don't have any right to lord about anyone to be honest. We (My family) has not so much money and didn't want to let myself alone to the Toon as far as I'm not 16, but with my collected money it should be possible to fly one week to Newcastle in March/April. I'm a Newcastle Supporter since around 5-6 years, it's not that easy if you are living in Germany to get on Newcastle. Of course at the beginng I less cared but then even more and more I found my fever for a club thouthand miles away which hasn't won anything in the last years. Who cares?. Since along time ago I have followed (nearly / more than alot) all Newcastle matches first in Internet streams, later on f**king expensive Pay-TV. Sitting here and be trusty to a club like Newcastle is not that easy from some thouthand miles away. I could like all the others here support one of the Big 4 and not make myself look like a clown standing with my Newcastle scarf on the school floor. No matter of results or whatever, me, and more then alot of other people follow this club too with a really passion from other countrys, theres just no other possiblity. Are we then less worth supporters? Of course we are not the same as someone who has a season ticket singing in St James Park, like we all from different countrys would more or less love to do. I'm not the same as you as a seaon ticket holder, I even wasn't at Newcastle. But I think that I'm still a toon supporter over years like you even just before my PC, in School or in Forums like this, I do not help the team in stadium, but you don't have to blame us and we are not any less worth only because we were born and raised at the wrong places... I wish you all the best of nights! Brilliant post. I'm in the same position as you. I pay out of my own pocket for the expensive tv station which holds the PL rights in my country, because my father is a spurs fan and a cheap jew in spirit. And i've done that for some time, even as a poor student. I've never been to SJP, ive only been to England once and saw our team play away. We lost 6-0. But I wish i was able to be at St. James' at every match. If I could, i would, and i would stand and support as much as possible, because I dont bring shrimp-sandwiches to football games. One day I'll travel to Newcastle and finally see the stadium and the great atmosphere, hopefully times are good then. And If I play my cards right I will be a proud owner of NUFC season ticket one day. So think about what you are writing when you are criticising over-seas fans. Nice one mate. It's shite mind.
  15. And caused the rotten atmosphere which contributed to the defeat by Hull. They've got a lot to answer for if we go down by a point or two. If we go down, i'll blame what happened between the board/manager that week, and not that someone took a nasty banner to the Hull game. Personally i don't agree with the banner, but nothing's said when hundreds take part in a loud chorus of "We hate Cockneys, and we hate Cockneys" in games against London clubs. I bet some of the people condeming the banner have sang it themselves. Different situation, that's just banter between drunken twats.
  16. Ideally it should feature extremely bad spelling.
  17. Let's face it, most of the country think we're Scottish anyway.
  18. errr.......we don't bring the bairns to away games.....
  19. Big group that continually get up, talk about how shit the SPL is, then keep going in twos to get pints? I dunno, barely understood a word they said.
  20. There were a few Scottish people around us, not the regular NUFC ones, not scouse jocks either, just doing the weekend for a bit of shopping so had got tickets for a bit of fun. Nice people. Hibs supporters.
  21. You're also on the verge of a ban so I'd shut it if I were you. If 9 gets banned I'm walking. The nimord is one of the top 2 posters on this wretched site. I can't believe a woman has the time to moderate an internet site when surely she is busy enough peeling the carrots and scrubbing the dishes. It is fair game though we should join together as supporters and stop squabbling over trivial matters You'd be amazed at what I've got time to do, all whilst being 7 months pregnant aswell! Amazing. This thread is on the verge of being locked unless the stupidity and insults stop. Simple as that. Any attempts to re-open the petty squabble will result in said threads also being deleted and the posters being banned. awww, but the insults and petty squabbles are the best bit.
  22. Around 10% plus of Newcastle's population are students from outside the area. Just as well really as it's a vital part of the local economy...... No, I've forgotten my point again.
  23. Really quite old bloke who sits in front of me reckons it's the worst performance he can remember...... tbh his memory must be going as I'm decades younger and can remember loads worse.
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