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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. CAAAALM DOWN CAAALM DOWN! Look we've all had a few drinks and that, apart from the recovering alcoholics. Sorry, what was my point again?
  2. Shit chant, but sung in most grounds occasionally, usually by away supporters. Closely followed by 'you never win fuck all' for predictability.
  3. Let's just leave it at this.
  4. Your banner your choice, just don't imagine you represent 'us'. Same goes for NUSC.
  5. 12 is a shite time for a game mind, especially at a time of year when you might not be feeling your finest.
  6. It think it's fair to say that they're wall-pushing murdering bastards, and leave it at that.
  7. Anyway, could have done without the smattering of their lot in our end. Fine, do it, but STFU if you're going to do it, otherwise nobody will care if anyone takes physical offence. It's just plain rude.
  8. Sorry, you've not answered my question of "Where you there?" If not, then dont you dare criticise the lads who shelled out and properly supported our team. Its incredibly easy to support a team from behind a monitor. No, and i don't care if you was there either. Your whole thread is pathetic, redundant and desperate. How can a set of supporters really get behind the team when they are battering the opposition. If you dont see that as a possible factor then no point even trying to debate. Maybe your the type of person who thinks that only people in Newcastle are 'true' supporters - small minded mentality? Oh, they would of course be silent in their thousands at the end of December at an away.... Seriously, get fucked. The red scousers were shite, may their coaches pile-up in flames. Merry fucking Christmas.
  9. abcdefg

    Plastic Geordies

    I'm actually the opposite - lots of London connections but born and bred geordie. And still proud of it too ! think again. Want to match up the rest of Ray Davies's lyrics with real life too ? Sarcasm. Look it up. Bet you think he's a good manager too.... Look, I'd never ever kissed a woman before.
  10. That tiny ball boy near the technical area, he must have heard some things from Joe.
  11. abcdefg

    Stoke Fans

    There seemed to be a lot of police about today, I don't know if they were expecting trouble, but they were scouting out the pubs, maybe looking for known troublemakers, who knows?
  12. I was so unsurprised it merely raised a nod. No realistic buyer in sight and nobody decent will want the job in these circumstances. I prefer it confirmed rather than listening to pipe dreams every few days for months.
  13. abcdefg

    Gerry Francis

    I have got someone in mind to come in and help us with our coaching work, probably two or three days a week. Vinnie Jones. Yes I ignored some of what he said, but he does seem to be confused a lot.
  14. Just ban me please, it'll take away the temptation to respond to the (minority) of arrogant twats.
  15. Bollocks. Bollocks yourself. It is fucking pitiful. Why the fuck should I feel ashamed? I'm fed up with people trying to take the fucking high ground and putting other fans down. I am sick of "supposed" fans who can't be arsed to support the lads, and instead whinge on message boards about how fans who are still there for the team are claiming the "moral high ground". Read the first post. So you're going to the game, nice one, I hope you enjoy it. You said that anyone who usually goes who isn't going to this one should be ashamed. YOU should be ashamed with that attitude. Sort your head out pet. Why the hell should I be ashamed? Least I will be there tomorrow cheering on the lads, instead of whining on a message board about how someone annonymous has made me feel like they have the moral high ground because they are putting their money where their mouth is. Nowt to be ashamed of, pet! See this? Football isn't important to toonlass, fake superiority is. You're a fucking joke.
  16. The reasons make no odds, people can do what they like. Ashamed FFS. What a dick.
  17. Bollocks. Bollocks yourself. It is fucking pitiful. Why the fuck should I feel ashamed? I'm fed up with people trying to take the fucking high ground and putting other fans down. I am sick of "supposed" fans who can't be arsed to support the lads, and instead whinge on message boards about how fans who are still there for the team are claiming the "moral high ground". Read the first post. So you're going to the game, nice one, I hope you enjoy it. You said that anyone who usually goes who isn't going to this one should be ashamed. YOU should be ashamed with that attitude. Sort your head out pet.
  18. abcdefg

    Gerry Francis

    Seems an odd time to be appointing people full-time.
  19. twat You read the original post yes? If you did, then fuck off. Cunts like that get right on my tits. As do you now. Crumpy runs an away travel service, hence his post was to try and drum up some interest. See his avatar for details. He goes out of his way to try and get people tickets for away games and puts a lot of personal time and effort into helping others get away for a decent price. He doesnt give a shite for the niceties of internet forums and why should he? Slag off adolescent twats who can only go to games cos their dad pays for them as much as you like though. I don't care about that, I read it as willy-waving, look at me shite. So I responded in kind.
  20. twat You read the original post yes? If you did, then fuck off. Cunts like that get right on my tits. As do you now.
  21. Bollocks to that, it'll be all smug wankers.
  22. It's an idiot's definition, though. Just FYI. OK then I'll talk out of my arse 50p Happy now?
  23. My Dad and Uncle did the same and being honest I do find it unsettling - they did really support us but as you say would go and watch them - I think they found modern intensive rivalry to be as strange. I think there was just less to do for fun on saturday. I'd go to see some of the non league teams locally, but I can't be bothered, I can watch the early kick-offs in a pub instead.
  24. I just think buy it or don't buy it, I doubt a few grand on match day will make any difference anyway, except symbolically. If you feel you must do it, maybe give the money you would have spent to a worthy cause of your choice. Or piss it up a wall, whatever. Just don't give it to NUSC.
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