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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. One of my granddads (long dead) used to watch both Newcastle and Sunderland. Not uncommon at the time. Does that notion unsettle you? It's alien to me, but it happened. Not everybody gets so het up about other peoples' behaviour. Live and let live.
  2. The Ashley debate will be over in the next month or so (hopefully) - the fact that this shitstorm has made people organise should be the thing that matters so that in the future their can be some kind of common voice - I do think they shouldn't have even mentioned this issue in their press release but understand the desire to get people on their side. It's the big picture/future that matters. As for robbing the club of money thats BS as well - having everything ran by or tied to the club takes away the whole point - independence. For some people the Sheppard/Hall debate hasn't ended, so I doubt it.
  3. Is it true as I've heard that people were being booed for getting a pie or a pint yesterday? If so that's a bit sad, I mean spend your money how you like, but it's individual choice, we're not a union. I just don't buy them as it's over-priced shite.
  4. You're all fine by me. Choosing this misery deserves some sort of medal.
  5. Robinho is worth £36M. Teehee. It's the only meaningful answer, Ashley will sell at the most he can get, any buyer will pay as little as will be accepted. The economics are simple. Guessing what that might be from a position of struggling to pay the mortgage is irrelevant.
  6. Whatever someone's prepared to pay for it. By definition.
  7. Frankly some of our support should be boycotting pies generally.
  8. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    I'd rather he says he wants back into football than bullshitting that it's the (temporary) job he's always wanted, nobody would have believed that. As for backing Ashley, of course he's going to. You don't get a job, however rubbish then start slagging the owner on TV.
  9. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    Cheer up, look at the positive.....it's quite a sunny day, so we won't get cold...
  10. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    So childish....yes I'm still childish, I laughed.
  11. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    "err, can I stop you there..." hehe
  12. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    That sounds like a right old barrel o' cockney monkeys.
  13. Suits me, though I doubt you'll persuade anyone who's set to do so anyway.
  14. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    I don't see how this can make the situation any worse, at least the immediate speculation, offers and rejections will end....well apart from all that other speculation.
  15. abcdefg

    Joe Kinnear

    I thought he died falling off a horse /just in case nobody else has said it
  16. Come on, there's nowt wrong with students, the city relies on them to avoid inbreeding.
  17. Willow, that's making me feel sick, but I can't stop looking. Much like Newcastle United.
  18. Obviously scoring points off each other is the most important thing. Yes, I've done it myself, you don't need to link to where I've done so. It's no wonder people point and laugh.
  19. Somebody/people made it, there was no committee. I'll stick my hands up to saying I cheered, foolishly.
  20. Much as I like the idea of a supporters' club, I don't think that press release helps the current situation, too confrontational, I'd prefer some sort of reasoned dialogue, if that's even possible right now.
  21. We might have to accept that there's nobody who wants to buy the club any time soon (a fan takeover....no chance). I'd take Roeder as manager now, and he'd be doing us a favour.
  22. Hope your right as didnt the nigerians hope to make an announcement in the coming days? Articles coming out of Nigeria saying its a fraud bid. I really can't believe there's fraud in Nigeria.
  23. http://www.mediawatchwatch.org.uk/wp-images/greentoon.jpg Come on, we have to laugh or we'll cry.
  24. Can we call him Terry Testicles now then? Or is that too childish?
  25. I was so pissed off earlier I phoned the ex.....then couldn't even say anything. And I hate her. Look, I was trying to find someone I could justifiably hate, then realised it was a fucking stupid idea.
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