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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    RIP sale thread.

    Oh God. I have a bad feeling about this. Nothing measured seems to happen with this club, it's all rash decisions with unexpected consequences. In that way Ashley was perfect for us, and if he does sell, it'll be to some other nutter.
  2. Quick, someone edit the title to Game Called Off Due To Bad Weather.
  3. 40 according to the thermometer sitting directly in the sun, the commentators apparently unaware of the conventions of temperature reading.
  4. Looking on the bright side......err, well we could have been playing Millwall next season.
  5. I'm prepared to pretend I think it's a good thing.
  6. abcdefg

    A decision

    Can't miss it myself for better or worse. Whereas my mam who used to go to games about 60 years ago is certain to do some gardening and pretend it isn't happening, perhaps nervously asking the score every now and then. No way am I going to town though.
  7. Whatever it is you all do, stop doing it, it's clearly not doing much good.
  8. Are you questioning Shepherd's personal hygiene? I'll have you know that his personal hygiene was twice that of Mike Ashley. Sixth best anal hygiene in Europe.
  9. Imagine if Richardson had skyed that free-kick against us like 99.9% of his free-kicks this season, and if Ryan Taylor had skyed the free-kick at St James' for Wigan like 100% of his free-kicks in a Newcastle shirt? It's so painful looking back now, if just one of those scenarios had gone our way............. On a random note why do loads of mackems have FTM on their avatars / sigs? Fuck The Mags.
  10. Yeah, well done. You're interested in point-scoring. What a moaning cunt.
  11. Yeah, really couldn't give a fuck, some people seem to want to find new things to whine about.
  12. abcdefg


    All made worse by people behind me on about one bloke being hugely negative (which he is, every week for the 5 years I've sat there). I just wanted both of them to STFU, I was miserable enough. Couldn't even cope with post match drinks, the bus home was depressing but short.
  13. abcdefg


    Didn't leave early myself, never do. But this time I don't blame anyone for doing so.
  14. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45743000/jpg/_45743031_drogba_ap466.jpg Alas poor Yorick....
  15. Bullshit, Barca had 1 shot on target all day. Chelsea got their goal and stopped Barca doing anything. Well not quite anything.
  16. I think fairly clearly they went with shola today for his physical presence to defend set pieces... lesson learned by all I spose. Not to worry though, it'll just make the comeback all the better. I'll have a pint of whatever you're on.
  17. God I hate Stoke supporters. Doesn't add anything to the thread, just had to vent.
  18. abcdefg

    Wise Gone

    The Club would like to take this opportunity to wish Dennis well for the future. Translation: You're chucked pet.
  19. Is that "Casualty" as in the decrepit, hackneyed, tediously boring BBC ONE drama or "Casualty" the kinky roleplay you enact in the bedroom with your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/choirboy* (*delete as applicable)? OK I was lying, I can't even watch Casualty. Violence and horror are fine, but even simulated surgery makes me want to chuck. Slight phobia. Jokes aside I think he should see out the season, more turmoil will do us no good.
  20. Loads of people have heart attacks and can then be fine for decades, my guess is they were just taking precautions today, you can't be too careful after all. Not saying he's the ideal manager or anything, he's clearly not, but to write him off for a health scare assumes a lot. I'm not a doctor though, I only play one in Casualty.
  21. He can do what he likes, fair play, but he no longer plays here, so bollocks, there's no point in looking back, otherwise you'd be going on about Fred and the Halls every day, and that would be insane.
  22. Anyway I'm off to the pub to support some beer. COME ON BEER!
  23. There will be two enemies at SJP today, but only one of them is destroying our club. So what do you suggest? Back the team and give Ashley a hard time. Having put the entire squad up for sale last August won’t have endeared the fat man to the players, and they were complaining for ages about not having a clue what was going on. They’re unlikely to get upset if the owner gets some abuse. Why do you think Ashley choose this game to rear his ugly head? I hope you're in the tiny minority today, this is not the day for protests, do it at the next game if you like, not today. Why do you think Ashley choose this game to rear his ugly head? I honestly don't care why, it's not relevant to the game, or at least it shouldn't be.
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