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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. It's irrelevant really, as pointless as someone crowing on about how we should have stuck with the Halls and Shep, as if we had any say in that whatsoever, rather than John Hall selling for purely business reasons. Past is past, only a real saddo would take pleasure from the state of the club, no names.
  2. Couldn't agree more. And for some reason I want to eat nachos now.
  3. I would say quiet. I'm not going, and I rarely miss home games. Not a protest, just to avoid misery.
  4. abcdefg

    Peter Beardsley

    Once again, of course it's your opinion, but if you express it on a public forum, you have to expect some disagreement, otherwise there's no point in discussing anything. I understand your opinion but disagree, is that OK? I'm only replying as it distracts me from the fact we're being thrashed in London.
  5. Dear rich businessmen. If you want to take your kids to football games, buy a few fucking season tickets, it's much cheaper and less bother all round.
  6. Not my favourite Chopra goal scored there.
  7. abcdefg

    Peter Beardsley

    I should probably have quoted biggs, but this site's being weird for me today.
  8. abcdefg

    Peter Beardsley

    OK then, we'll all agree with you, to do otherwise would be censorship, or something.
  9. I predict a draw, 1-1, but I may be deluding myself.
  10. abcdefg

    Peter Beardsley

    I feel you've misjudged the mood of Newcastle-Online biggs.
  11. abcdefg

    The Chronicle

    I don't mind it, as it something to read while I am having my dinner at work Mon to Fri. Never buy the Saturday copy though. I like the Northumberland Gazette....Woman told to take down washing line on the front page etc.
  12. abcdefg

    The Chronicle

    The Chronicle's always been bloody awful, although that's standard for local papers, London does even worse in this respect.
  13. abcdefg

    Peter Beardsley

    Sounds like a sane man as usual. Fine with the protests last week and all, but the hatred is well overboard, and carrying on like this can only damage the club.
  14. I assume Untied is intended, it's still a stupid idea.
  15. Things could be worse, we could be in the grip of an international economic crisis.
  16. hehe. You have to laugh or you'd cry. I prefer the laughter, but I'll do both.
  17. It's a non-starter, perhaps at some point in the future there could be a roll out of shares, but that's all it could ever be.
  18. He doesn't look much like him apart from anything else, other than 'quite fat bloke with receding hairline'. That could describe half the blokes in the NE.
  19. I already want to sack the fictional board.
  20. Hmm, could well be true, but it's the Hate Mail so I'm calling bollocks.
  21. It's a very calculated statement, though I've no doubt the ferocity of feeling hurts (frankly it would hurt anyone to have so many thousands chanting at you). It could well be that whatever his plans to sell he'll be in charge for a good while, so I think, our points have been made (I know there's hundreds of opinions), and it's probably time to get back to some sort of normality, otherwise every game is going to be bloody miserable for one thing and that won't do anyone any good. The reference to his kids was clever, an emotive issue that makes you feel sympathy (I didn't know he did attend with them tbh), but whatever mistakes have been made, it's hard to know what he could say now. I'm sure I had a point when I started typing...
  22. Pathetic attitude Chez, if it makes no difference then feel free to support a Manchester club. Sorry, was it insulting to say your attitude is pathetic, I can't keep up with the rules here.
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