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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Sorry, are we not allowed youtube clips? I'll know in future.
  2. To save anyone the bother of finding it <Snip> Unbelievable.
  3. half the "supporters" were attracted back to the club in 1992-93. The club is now on the way back to those days, now that the board who rescued the club from decades of ruin have gone. The only thing we can hope for is for similar people to come in and do the same thing again. Ashley and his crowd of amateurs have been exposed for what they are. The club is not a "bit poorly", its in freefall. This has been coming since Ashley, his cahoots and his lack of understanding of football walked through the door. ........many of the people involved in this thread seem as if they WANT the club to be relegated, simply because it will support their earlier arguments about old board/new board sh***. That's f***ing ridiculous. I wouldn't say it's all that many people, but there's certainly some who won't let it lie, relishing saying "I told you so", as if that helps anyone, also imagining that whatever people thought of the old owners had any bearing on them selling up, which was a business decision by John Hall, they weren't forced out (well FF was, but not by us). It's just dull and aimless arguments. Enjoyed your post btw, sometimes you do need an 'outsider' to point out the truth.
  4. What do you mean? By lethal I meant very very nice. Well weapon.
  5. Exactly, his only involvement should be to come to a few games if he feels like it, and frankly he's probably better off not even doing that.
  6. Oh yeah. Keegan's gone for good now, even with new owners, I can't see then touching him with a bargepole, it doesn't matter if he was right to leave or not, he looks like a liability, and someone who'll make the supporters hate you if it goes wrong.
  7. I've got time for Spurs, they've been so generous to us in recent years.
  8. I'm torn really, for a while I quite liked the lack of communication with the press, especially the Chronic, which was always too matey with the old regime IMO, but we do need to know something, perhaps if this supporters' club thing flies it could be used for some sort of formalised dialogue between the club and us, as the only other way we have is....well shouting 'get the fat bastard out', which might be fun for some, but isn't very constructive. I'm rambling/still drunk.
  9. Yeah, change it to Sir Bobby Robson: Still Alive
  10. Let him enjoy the last bits of his life man.
  11. Early League cup game, it would be barely half full anyway let's face it. Not planning to go, not for a protest, just because I can't be arsed. I don't court misery (it finds me anyway). Might change my mind and go anyway, but my feeling is no. Sod's law states we'll batter them when I decide not to go, but that's all good. As the chant goes, I'll stay at home, watching The Bill.
  12. True enough, we've been beaten like this so many times, backroom stuff aside, let's not panic, I wasn't there but saw it in err, a thoroughly legal way, and it wasn't a shameful performance by any means, it doesn't mean we're the new mackems.
  13. Have you ever thought you might be like a bad talisman? I witnessed a goal today, the tide is turning me lad, the tide is turning. Three more games and we'll be winning again.
  14. I think we should all dress as Mike Ashley to show support, if you're not fat enough a pillow can be used.
  15. you still think Taylor's good enough? that's 2 away games in a row he's played like he's pissed Like Colo More like Gazza.
  16. Bolton in not looking utterly dreary shocker.
  17. Of course we won't Ottmar Hitzfeld is our leader!
  18. Do you honestly believe that? When he's been to games before, he's been surrounded by minders and even the police confirmed that they hadn't advised him not to go to games. It's a kop out on Ashley's part and also gives insight into his view of Newcastle fans. The above was a lame excuse and the gutless b****** knows it. Getting to the point, the sooner he is gone the better. IMO he has been looking for offers for a while. He has failed in reading the running of the club and his lack of investment in the playing side has badly let fans down. Those same fans he persuaded to pay for the next 3 seasons. He has rapped in to easily and appears to be looking to make his 50 sovereigns. Though the longer this debacle goes on, he can kiss goodbye to his £280m. Maybe the question should be has Ashley massively overplayed his own hand in buying NUFC? He certainly seems to have walked into it blind, being a maverick businessman is one thing, but with that sort of cash involved you'd want to take some care over what you're getting involved with. It makes me think of a middle-aged man buying a Porche and not checking if it's got an engine.
  19. Yes, we are all the same person, it's genetic, we have no personality or opinions of our own, it's a hive mind. Not you of course, you're different.
  20. bullshit Proof or STFU. "Cockney Mafia Out" "No More Geordie Cash for Ashley" Need I say more? I didn't go to that meeting. It's foolish to equate a few with everyone. I wasn't well happy, but I just went to the game as usual, as did many more, a few chants don't change that.
  21. Is it me or is the reality that most of the fans didnt actually want him out, they just wanted a change to the structure and an improvement in the communication between club and fans. Too many wanting to get on tv and talk shite rather than thinking what their actions would mean for the club in the long haul. Its evidently easy to move people on and out of the club but fans want different things from the club, something that will never be solved. A little thinking before the televised tantrums would have been appreciated! That would require restraint from every one of tens of thousands, never ever going to happen.
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